The Ridiculous Marijuana Laws of the Controlled Substances Act

In 1970, the United States of America, signed in the law called “The Controlled Substance Act. The “CSA”, was created to provide a legal foundation for Federal Government prevention of abuse of drugs, and other substances. The Act consolidates many laws to regulate the manufacturing and distribution of narcotics, stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, anabolic steroids, as well as any chemicals that are used in the production of any narcotic. Sounds great so far, huh? But wait, because here comes one ridiculous part of the “CSA” that pertains to marijuana, cannabis, or THC.

Everyone has heard about marijuana being a GATEWAY drug, but a gateway to what? Obviously, the Federal Government doesn’t know, and hears why. Within “The Controlled Substance Act”, there are 5 schedules of classification, in regards to laws of these government deemed illegal substances. Well as for marijuana or cannabis, it was voted in as a Schedule I Controlled Substance, with Heroin, LSD, and PCP. But it gets even better.

Remember that good old saying I mentioned earlier, about Marijuana is a GATEWAY drug? Well, for starters. How can any Schedule I Control Substance, be a gateway to anything since is it supposed to be the worst category of illegal substances? So, it must be a gateway to a substance that considered less dangerous. How ridiculous is that? But, that still isn’t the most ridiculous part of it all. Take a look at a few substances that were classified lower than marijuana, and you tell me who smoking what!

Substances Classified Lower Than Marijuna
– Cocaine, Methamphetamines (ICE, Crank, Speed), Methadone, Morphine, Oxycodone
and Anabolic Steroids, just to name a few.

I don’t know, but somewhere, something went wrong there! Or maybe they just smoked some better bud than I did — — — Stop being Greedy and pass that!

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