The Just Path

Such a wide path

a boring swath

it finds itself between

two opposed extremes

but is neither

it is just path

I’ve tasted joy

I’ve survived/survive despair

and they are both preferable

to the often despicable

many times inapplicable

the flat, featureless trip

in the middle

not warm nor cold

not up nor down

it just is

the daily existence

the slow distance

of straight

not valley nor peak

not a thrill to seek

it just sits

never quite fits

it just is.

whether wide or narrow,

we all have one

we all have insignificant

to be done.

I know I should just go

and love the waiting

the daily exacerbating

that is the inbetween

the life unseen

in movies and lore

the crunchy bore

the pre-aftermath

the just path.

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