The Gaggle Came Out Today

The gaggle is the name I’ve chosen call the current crop of Republicans running for office this season. They held a forum today in South Caroline. I did not watch C-Span to see what they had to say. However, I did look at the news and there were a few reports of what they were saying. The event, in South Carolina, was hosted by Senator Tea Party himself, Jim DeMint. The affair had an auspicious name; it was called The Palmetto Freedom Forum. That would lead one to think that these buffoons were interested in freedom being extended to the average citizen and every citizen. Of course they are not. Their main interest is freedom for the ultra rich to get richer. That is their agenda and anyone with common sense would see this.

There was Mitt Romney swearing allegiance to the Tea Party; and the oppression of the American middle class for which they stand. He, who is scorned by most within the Tea Party, stood up and agreed with all they had to say. Ron Paul appeared to be singing the same old tune as the news report did not mention him at all. And of course Herman Cain was there as well milking his personal fifteen minutes of fame for all its worth; then it is back to the pizza business for him. It appeared from the news reports that Rick Perry had skipped the event to be in his state which is burning, literally. The wild fires are coming near to the capital city of Austin; and homes in the surrounding area are in danger of going up in flames. Michelle Bachman was mentioned as being in attendance. Naturally, she continue to maintain her ignoble stance on ending a woman’s right to chose and repealing gay rights. From the gist of what was said, it appears they want to roll back the Affordable Medical Care Act and strip the benefits now being enjoyed by millions of Americans under that act. The news did not report if they repeated their old saw about regulations.

Perhaps some of us have embraced a peculiar type of amnesia which erases the memory of how we arrived at the sorry state of economic affairs we are now in. I have not. The great recession was caused by previous administration’s wiping out of the surplus of 2001 with tax cuts. And yet they want more tax cuts and spending cuts. We must remember our more recent history, and don’t make fools of ourselves next November. We must tell the gaggle to fly away and stop the noise.

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