Ten Signs of Asperger’s Syndrome

Asperger’s Syndrome, named after Hans Asperger, was first described in 1944. Although Hans Asperger identified the symptoms, the diagnosis wasn’t broadly recognized until years later. Statistics now suggest that approximately one out of every three hundred children has Asperger’s. Often Asperger symptoms are first noted during a child’s preschool years. Asperger’s Syndrome may appear similar to mild autism. There are several signs that can signal the possibility of Asperger’s Syndrome.

Top ten health indicators are:

1. The person will have difficulties in many social situations. 2. The child or adult may demonstrate unusual language patterns, rigid posture, a placid facial expression, and difficulty making and maintaining eye contact. 3. The child may prefer interacting with adults to interacting with peers. 4. Often there is difficulty with spontaneous play in social situations. The child may appear reluctant to join in group activities and games. 5. The child exhibits many repetitive activities such as counting objects and/or obsessively playing video games. The person has a tendency to participate in the same activity without any real need to do so, for example, he or she may want to eat the same food all the time. 6. He or she may show a compulsive interest in a part of an object. 7. The individual may become obsessively involved in repetitive movements such as hand flapping, pacing, and tip-toeing. 8. The child often has difficulty transitioning (moving) from one activity to another. 9. Speech patterns develop at the same pace as other children, while there may be difficulties with motor development (fine and large muscles). 10. Academics usually progress without educational developmental delay.

If you or your child has several of the top ten health indicators for Asperger’s Syndrome, you may want to request an assessment. Your family physician, pediatrician, or school psychologist can recommend a referral for an Asperger’s test.

Assessment typically includes an IQ test, speech, language, and motor skills test, and a personality rating scale. Relationships with family and peers may be reviewed as well as the individual’s ability to adapt in various situations. The specialist may want to check for signs of depression and anxiety, commonly noted in individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome. No two individuals will have all the same characteristics and these signs will differ depending on age and other factors.

While there are patterns of behavior, every child is unique and very special.

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