Ten Pick Up Lines that Will Get Your Wife’s Attention

Is your marriage boring? The key to having a hot marriage is to continue using one liners that will keep her attention throughout your marriage. Here are some pick up lines that will heat up your wife:

1. “Honey, that meal you made me was as delicious as you look.”

2. “Baby, the longer we are married, I swear, the more beautiful you become.”

3. “Wow! that new dress brings out the natural beauty that has been so obvious in you all these years.”

4. “That new hair-dew makes you look like a ‘cutie patooty.’”

5. “Have you lost weight baby? You sure are looking good!”

6. “The way other men look at you makes me proud that you are mine.”

7. “You are so beautiful, I cannot believe I get to go to bed with you every night.”

8. “What in the world are you doing to take care of your skin? When I touch you chill bumps go up and down my spine.”

9. “You have a natural beauty about you with or without make up.”

10. “Honey, is there something you are hiding in your past or were you a model before you met me?”

Caution: If you use any one of these lines may experience some unusual and erratic behavior from you wife.

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