Self-doubt and Fear Can Become an Obstacle to Success and Inhibits the Development Potential of Self-

Self-doubt and fear play a major part in people never achieving anything in life. The potential to succeed within people is never realized because of the power of self-doubt. Self-doubt can sabotage the best of intentions and ideas and lay waste to ideas that never get off the ground, simply because you may have lost faith in your ability to succeed.

It is amazing how powerful hypnosis is on the mind. And in stating that fact, when one thinks about it deeply, self-doubt is a form of self-hypnosis in which you program yourself to fail. You may not believe in your own ideas, your own talent, or your own ability. And, the more you try your hand at something or other, but continually fail then you give up, half-way through.

Thus, you press your own self-destruct button, guaranteeing your failure in whatever you try your hand at. Self-doubt and fear are the number one reasons as to why people do not try anything new. Or even try ideas that they may have had swimming around in their heads. They are scared of failure, or of being made to look a fool.

But one has to remember that it is through our errors that we learn to get better. Practice makes perfect, and if we fall, it is up to us to get straight back up again – whether we may look foolish in other peoples eyes or not. If you have belief in your own ideas, and your own ability, and not just belief, but an iron will, a determination and perseverance to succeed, despite what others may say, then you will succeed no matter what the obstacles.

You must banish all self-doubt, for it is the enemy of all positive thoughts. Self-doubt is the very anti-thesis of what you are trying to achieve – and what you hope to achieve in the present, and the future. When your mind is filled with negativity and fear, then self-doubt rules like an iron fist. It stops all positive thoughts you may still have, and stops you from achieving your goals. Self-doubt is a destroyer of minds, this is because it lays waste to countless potentially great ideas and ambitions that never make it off the ground.

There are countless older people, alive now, who look back on their life and often wish they had done this or done that. Never thinking, for one moment that they simply should have done it – whatever that ‘it’ was. They may not have been encouraged, and may have took the safe option, staying all of their lives doing the same thing day in day out – never achieving their full potential. In many cases, this would be down to lack of belief in themselves about their own ability, and fear in trying something new and making themselves look ‘foolish’.

Lack of faith in our own ability to be able to achieve whatever you put your mind too, is a waste of a brain. There are countless others who will dampen down your ability and skills, simply because they themselves lack the motivation and faith in themselves that is needed to succeed. Do not be a victim of what other people may say, or may think about you, if you want to begin something new.

Instead, have faith in our own ability. If you fall then take a step back, breathe in deep, and pick yourself up again. Do not allow self-doubt and fear to eat away at your mind, destroying all positive thoughts and belief – and certainly do not allow others to sabotage your mind either.

The most important person that should have faith in yourself…is ‘you’ No one else matters as far as your belief in your own mind is concerned,. Do you want to be known as someone who promises a lot of potential but never delivers? Determination, perseverance, willpower and patience are the things that you also need in order to achieve your aims. Along with self-belief, they are strong weapons indeed to combat self-doubt, and fear.

Yet, there are far too many people in society today, who simply do not believe in themselves. They sabotage their success with self-doubt, and their minds are filled with fear. And worry about whether they are doing the right thing. Time passes by and before you know it, you are old and uttering those words you may have thought you would never utter, ‘I wish I had done that when I was younger.

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