Ron Paul is a Joke?

Honesty and integrity are a rare commodity these days, especially in politics. Why is it when one finally comes forward he is is ridiculed, labeled a nutcase by TV and radio personalities, (most of whom have no room to talk) and basically outcast by his own party? Yet someone who wears sacred undergarments, hasn’t told the truth since he began campaigning, dodged the draft, and amassed a fortune by taking other peoples livelyhoods can be touted as being a future president?

We all know that Ron Paul is being held back by the media and Washington. They’re greed overrides every rational thought they have ever had. Romney fits their idea of a candidate perfectly. He can be controlled by money and greed, he will give them their wars and kickbacks. Instead of trying to stem the corruption, he will add to it. Being elected president would only add to his Morman taught belief that ” He is in this world, but not of it ” that he is indeed a God on earth.

A lot of people say that Ron Paul is not a good speaker. I’ll agree that he is not polished, but he is real. Everything he says comes from the heart. He doesn’t need teleprompters and que cards. Ask him a question and you’ll get an honest answer. He’s a true patriot. He went to war when called, and done what he was asked to do. The only candidate that did. Maybe that explains why he feels there is no need to sacrifice our young men and women in useless undeclared wars. He has seen war first hand. Romney probably hasn’t even been in a schoolyard fight. But he is more than willing to put our troops in harms way for the Washington elite.

We need to band behind Dr. Paul and fight this battle all the way to the White House, restore this country to what it used to be. The young people are rallying behind him for a reason, they realize that he is trying to preserve this country for them, it is their futures at stake. They can see what todays politicians have done and they know it is time to turn it around. Their liberties and freedoms shrink more everyday that the present establishment is in power. It’s time to take it back.

Ron Paul a Joke? I hope he laughs all the way to the White House.

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