Roasting Squash and Pumpkin

The first frost is over and it’s that time of year, the squash and pumpkin are ready to eat and gardens often have an abundance of them. Have you ever noticed that planting only a few squash or pumpkin seeds can yield more than planting row after row of other seeds?

Squash and pumpkin are full of protein and fiber and a great energy boost. Here are a few quick and easy recipes for both the squash and pumpkin as well as the seeds.

Opening your Squash or Pumpkin

Find a stable work surface and a sharp knife. Slice squash or pumpkin in half (I like to lay mine on its side and slice that way so I don’t have to worry about the stem end). Lay your two sections open and with a metal spoon scrape all of the seeds and stringy pulp out. Set aside stringy pulp and seeds. Pre heat oven to 350 degrees.

Save those seeds

Put stringy pulp and seeds into a colander and allow water to rinse away as much of the pulp from the seeds as possible. After rinsing for a few minutes transfer seeds (and any stringy pulp still clinging to seeds) to a bowl and add water. Take out one or two small handfuls of seeds and set aside before adding salt. Stir in one tablespoon of sea salt and allow remaining seeds to soak for a few hours to overnight.

Save seeds that were set aside prior to adding salt to use as seeds for next years garden. Simply lay on a towel or newsprint and allow to dry for 3 or 4 days turning as needed. When dry place them safely in a small paper bag and staple shut. Label the front and store until next growing season. Remember, when you plant only a few seeds you will still have a high yield crop.

Roast that Squash or Pumpkin

Squash or pumpkin can be cut into smaller chunks if desired. Place squash or pumpkin into baking dish. We like to add a scoop of butter to each of our pieces. Bake for 1 1/2 hours or until fork easily pierces each piece. Remove from oven and allow to cool a bit before handling.

We like to serve this with a nice dinner. You can also put it in freezer bags and freeze it as well. Can be reheated and topped with marshmallows, brown sugar, maple syrup etc.

Roast those Seeds

Pre heat oven to 300 degrees

Drain seeds and rinse away any stringy pulp still remaining. You may need to rub a few of the seeds between your fingers to get rid of all of the pulp. Place seeds on baking sheet and lightly sprinkle with sea salt (to taste as desired). If using any other seasoning such as cinnamon or chili powder now is also the time to sprinkle some of this on as well.

Place in pre heated oven and stir every few minutes until they are a toasty brown. Remember, seeds will be hot when removed from the oven and continue to cook for a short time even after they’re removed from oven.

Allow to cool and eat to your hearts content.

My family looks forward to this treat every year. My children beg for me to cook acorn squash as well as pumpkin and I know that they’re eating healthy food even if they think they’re being treated to a special treat. I guess what they don’t know won’t hurt them.

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