Review: Blue Bunny Hot Cocoa Flavored Ice Cream Sandwiches

Whenever my wife and I go grocery shopping, we try to get my parents watch our kids. This is both because my daughters rarely behave in public when they are together (they compete with each other I think), making shopping a bit more difficult and because, when they are with us, we end up spending more money than planned.

Unfortunately, we were without a sitter this past weekend when we did a bit of grocery shopping and, as usual, we ended up with more than we intended on buying just because of so many extras that ended up in our cart. This included a box of Hot Cocoa Flavored Ice Cream Sandwiches from the Blue Bunny brand.

OK, to be fair, this purchase actually wasn’t the result of our kids. My wife spotted them and she wanted to buy them. My oldest daughter just gave her an excuse to and, despite already having ice cream at home, these came home with us.

And, to be honest, if they had been anything special, I probably wouldn’t have minded. But, after trying one (or, actually, part of one) last night, I have to say I’m not overly impressed with these sandwiches.

The idea behind these ice cream sandwiches is, of course, when you bite into them, you should feel like you are eating a frozen version of hot cocoa. And, when I tried mine; that is what I was expecting. However, that wasn’t what I got. Instead, it tasted just like a regular chocolate ice cream sandwich; much like some that we already had in our freezer (and were already paid for). There was nothing that reminded me of hot cocoa; especially since the sandwiches were ice cold.

In fact, my wife and daughter (the two who wanted these in the first place) ended up agreeing with me on that. The only exception is, when they licked up the sides of the sandwiches, they did seem to have a bit more of a hot cocoa-like taste to them. But, even that wasn’t as good as anyone was expecting it to be.

If you are looking for a chocolate ice cream sandwich, this is a decent-enough product to buy; as long as you don’t spend drastically more than you would on a cheaper store brand. But, I wouldn’t recommend buying them expecting them to be anything near what is advertised based on the description on the package.

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