Reap Long-Lasting Benefits of Optimization Through Practice of White Hat Techniques

As the race to climb to the top has touched the companies operating in the cyber world, the means to reach the goal has also been tampered with. Keeping up with the real world, illegal cyber activities are polluting the platform progressively. Some Internet spammers, after studying the behavior of the search engines and their robots, have devised a plan to play trickery on the robots. Such optimization techniques help sites to ride higher in the rank ladder rapidly, without adopting the long-drawn ethical techniques. Noting the misdeeds, SEO techniques have been categorized into two heads: White hat and Black hat SEO.

The honest approach is what we know as the White hat technique. White hat banks upon the general and lengthy principles to optimize websites and push them upwards in the search page ranking. Most definitely a time-consuming process, this practice on regular application turns out best results for websites in the long run. The aim of this strategy is to develop a well-coded site where activities liked by the users will be practiced. White hat technique advocates for article writing, participating in forums, blog posting, micro-blogging, etc. so that the website does not get dormant due to disuse. The concept relies on creating adequate buzz to pick up the momentum and propel forward so that normal users start creating further back links and links.

Black hat on the contrary, is an illegal approach that deliberately cuts into the rules set by the eminent search engines. In doing so, it intentionally hides the truth so that website can be kept from being banned from indexing. A very common example of this malpractice is to appear in the search results of a particular keyword and then lead the visitors to a completely different site which has no or little relevance with the keywords. Thus, it goes without saying that Black hat techniques are definitely much more effective, takes less time-taking and come at a much cheaper price.

But, the letdown of this effective technique is that the results are very short-lived and needs repeated practicing which ultimately accelerates the expense higher. Secondly, Black hat is banned from search engines. So, once the engine tracks the foul play, it will instantaneously oust the site from its indexing. So, it is always advisable to practice the activities that are ethical instead of banking on spamming and stuffing. Some website owners try to play it safe with Gray hat techniques where they incorporate some illegal strategies behind the veil of the legal ones. Such websites are at equal risk of getting expelled on spotting.

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