Raw Deal Vs. New Deal

The Raw Deal to a New Deal explains the truth about what African Americans were going through. As noted by Joe Trotter, “African Americans suffered more than their white counter parts, received less from their government and got what they called a “raw deal” rather that a “new deal”….the number of black sharecroppers dropped from nearly 392,000 in 1930 to under 300,000 as the depression spread..”(Kelly131). I believe Joe gave the chapter this title to explain that the economic depression affected African Americans more compared to Whites.

I believe black Americans were given a New Deal. For instance, Kelley in History of African Americans notes that, “By 1939, African Americans had gradually gained a larger share of the New Deal social programs and improved their economic situation.” (Kelley 139).

The New Deal applied to black Americans because it is stated that black Americans obtained Federal Farm Security loans and access to different services like housing, cultural programs and many that were earlier denied to them. For example Kelley in History of African Americans states that “Because the government spent money on education, including the building of new facilities, black illiteracy dropped ten percent during the 1930s.”(Kelley 139).

Communism, socialism and radical parties were appealing to African Americans because these groups were actively campaigning against racial injustice. Radical parties freed blacks and help blacks to pass on information to the rest. Communism and socialist parties also carried out projects that helped to improve social, economic, cultural and political status of African Americans. For instance in history of African Americans it is stated that in 1929, the socialist party established the United Colored Socialist of America.(Kelley 144).

World War 11 helped the launch of civil rights movement based on the fact that blacks were able to observe that although there was high demand for labour during this period, Blacks were still being discriminated not only in military service but also in civilian jobs. Black Americans did not passively accept racial discrimination. As noted by Kelley, black American quest for social justice gained it’s attention in the Militant March on Washington Movement. This movement was formed as a result of frustration.

Something that surprised me the most is that black Americans attacked discrimination in war industries with government contracts. I wonder why companies would only hire one race when they ware that the money financing their contracts is not from once race.

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