Poem to My Dearest

I wrote this poem after the death of my loved one. I believe that marriage is not until death do we part, but that marriage can last thru the eternities. I also believe that families are forever and that when we loose a loved one that we will be reunited in the next life.

My tears fall heavy over hollow cheeks now aged by sorrow,

For I once thought, knew that for us there would be no tomorrow,

My love, I seek you now at long last here where we last parted,

I need you not to look upon the tears that fall undaunted,

I need you, oh how I need you, but not to wipe away tears,

Leave my tears, leave them untouched let them fall along with my fears,

Allow me to hurt, allow me to feel the pain, let me grieve,

The hurt, the pain, show the depth of my love when you had to leave,

I’m alone now, yes alone, without the closeness we shared,

You, I, were as one, not ever will be another so cared,

See my tears and know that they are just and well earned of great worth,

Know that they’ll not destroy my soul nor my spirit, but give birth,

These tears that cause you hurt as you watch are but as clear glue,

They seal the love between you and I and the trials I am due,

They build within my heart strength that will last a continuum,

Growing stronger and denser, your love and mine as lasting sum,

As my tears fall do not wipe them away allow them to stay,

They will build a great structure that will ever last, come what may,

From their strength I will endure many hardships and great sorrows,

Then will be my time to breath my last, starting my tomorrows,

Then look me in my face and see my tears there without any fears,

And you and I will know the joy they hold as our vision clears,

When together you and I embrace, crystal glue holding tight,

Our love shared and unmatched, our oneness a wholeness that is right.

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