Is the NBA Season Over? What to Do If it Is

As a most dedicated fan of all professional sports, it is hard to swallow an entire season of no pro basketball. I almost refuse to! But since no deal has been cut and progress is slow at best I have begun to prepare to face the hard facts.

Two Things I Will Be Doing While Waiting for the Lockout to End

1) Looking for Another Job:

If I am working in any industry that relies on the NBA for income, like local restaurants or sales vendors, get another part-time job for this season. The fact that we might see basketball this year does not outweigh the extra time it will take for fans to come back in the record numbers that they did last year.

This is a nice opportunity to try out something new or just improve on skills you already have. The billionaires doing all of the arguing will need extra luxuries and now is the time to capitalize. Or it could spark a good cause to throw in with the 99 percent in the latest “occupy” protests.

2) Watch College Sports and Highlights:

If I am craving NBA-style basketball I can always find clips of the greatest games of all time. Plus college basketball is always a favorite on my sports watching list. It is harder to keep track of player stats but the games are very exciting. Most of the big names five years from now are on the college court today.

So is the season over? Please give your comments! Mine: NEVER give up hope, which is what the NBA is all about. Most of these athletes come from a tough background and know that basketball is all they had, which means it is all many of their biggest fans have as well. The season will start late and we all feel this in our hearts. The media has hyped up the lockout to make money and use the problems of a dedicated group to gain profits with media coverage.


Looking for Another Job

Watch College Sports

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