Interview Question Advice – How to Answer Work Experience Questions

When answering work experience questions, it is important to professional and honest about previous work completed. Many work experience interview questions relate to interest in the job, contributions to the previous held positions, and or what a previous employer may or may not say about your work ethic. Remember that any work experience questions dealing with sexuality, religion and political party preference or any other topics not allowed to be discussed under the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC) are questions that should not be asked during any interview. As an applicant you have the right to choose to leave an interview at any time and report unlawful behavior to the EEOC.

Many people have had summer jobs at one time or another in their life. When answering this interview question be sure to select a summer job example that pertains to the interviewing position you participating. If you have never had a summer job, state that you have never had a summer job and go on to a example that you can think of that mostly resembles the interviewing position that you are participating in.

We all have a “lesson learned” from a previous position, job or career. Use this question a an opportunity to talk about some of your own professional lessons learned. When talking about the lessons you have learned make sure that while you are discussing your examples that you mention the position you were in, what your level of employment was, what you learned, why you feel it was a good lesson learned and how your will implement those lessons learned in your future positions. Lessons learned are always used to assist us with becoming better professionally than we were before the lesson was learned.

This is a difficult interview question to answer, but if you come professionally and mentally prepared to answer this question you are sure to impress the interview panel or manager; as well as to show how competent you are. You will be sure reaffirm your professional abilities and leave a lasting impression on the interviewer. Happy job hunting, you can do or be anything you want with persistence.

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