If I Copy Wii Games, is it Illegal?

If you want to backup & copy your Wii games. It is your responsibility to make sure that what your doing does not go against copyright laws. I am going to discuss the most common situations people find themselves in and describe if they are acceptable or not.

I would firstly just like to state that copyright laws can and do change. My advice to you would be to check your local laws. They can differ between countries and also from area to area. So before you jump into copying your entire game collection. Have a look and make sure what your doing is legal.

Okay so firstly you can only backup and copy games for your own personal use. What I mean by this is the game you are copying must be your own. It cannot be anyone else’s property. The original disc must belong to you. As the owner you are entitled to make copies and backups incase the master copy becomes lost, damaged or stolen. Many game companies do not want you to know this, since they would much rather you just purchase a brand new game. Therefore earning them more money. So my advice would be to protect your investment by duplicating your discs before its to late.

Even though this is very clear. I still receive many questions asking if certain things are acceptable.

One of the most common questions I get is people asking this: If I have paid to rent a game for 2-3 days, can I then create a copy before I return the rented game? The answer is NO! This is illegal and goes against copyright laws. Renting a game and then proceeding to copy it with some kind of game copy software is illegal. This can land you in some serious trouble if you are ever found out.

Another question I am frequently asked is this: If I have my own personal copy of a game, can I therefore create duplicates and distribute them to family or friends free of charge? Again the answer is no, you may not distribute games that you have copied. You can only backup and copy games for your own personal use. Other alternatives are illegal.

I even get asked this: Therefore can I charge people for these duplicates? Making myself some extra money? No No No! This is extremely illegal. Distributing, marketing and selling copied games will get you in some serious trouble. Do not do it!

So a quick recap. Only copy games for you personal use. If you own a game, and want to back it up incase it becomes damaged beyond repair, lost or even stolen. You may do this yourself.

If you wish to backup and copy your entire game collection quickly and easily. You will need some kind of software application that can do this. I have reviewed the top 3 software to copy Wii games. If you really want to copy Wii games I strongly suggest you check it out.

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