How to Love Yourself


Things you’ll need:

Pen Portable small pad of paper/online journaling Incentives you enjoy Make sure you have a pen and paper in your handbag at all times. Take

time to pick out a pen that writes smoothly, an item you’ll enjoy using. Then find

a note pad of paper. Make sure it has some good binding so that pages don’t

come loose easily. You may want to find one that has an image of something

positive you enjoy.

For the first day write down every negative thought that comes in your head.

You will be amazed after only a few hours of how many negative thoughts

circle your brain! No wonder we are down on ourselves! If we treated others

this way, we’d not have a single friend. It makes you wonder why you are treating yourself in this manner.

The second day, write down your negative thoughts again. This time, change

each thought to a positive thought. For example, “I can not make this speech;

I’m afraid.” Change to, “I am happy to be making this speech and sharing my

knowledge with this audience.” Or, “I can’t stand being broke; I can never make

ends meet.” Try, “How can I spend less? Make a bit of extra cash?”

Complete this process for one week. After a week, every time a negative

thought pops into your brain, look at your notebook for positive reactions. You

will have quite a list after a week. You must continue this for 30 days. It takes

30 days to enforce a new habit. Life will look up, and days will be full of warmth

and love again.

After each week reward yourself with something special. Everyone needs

reinforcement to keep motivation going!

Tips & Warnings

You must be consistent while doing this. It is easy to get side tracked with life. You must write down your thoughts for a week and include positive changes next to the negative thoughts. You must continue this for 30 days to instill a new habit! Give yourself a big hug!

Be careful, you may become too jolly for co-workers!

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