How to Keep Children Active Indoors During the Winter

The winter months and harsh weather can prevent children from participating in activities that promote exercise. I know, at my home, we spend more time in the winter engaging in activities that require little movement, such as movie watching and crafts. Because exercise is very important to staying healthy, I started implementing the following games and activities into my children’s day. My family has found that being stuck indoors still provides plenty of opportunities to be active!

Indoor Obstacle Course
Creating an indoor obstacle course can be fun for kids of all ages. Requiring crawling, jumping, and stretching, it can also be a great workout. My children and I use pillows and toys to create obstacles and designs that use multiple rooms in our house. We use up a lot of energy both by building and then doing the course. Cleaning up our creations also keeps us moving. We have a great time!

Follow the Leader
My children love to take turns being the leader in this easy game. We walk all around our home while doing crazy moves and spins. Taking turns keeps the game interesting and my kids never fail to lead us all to a good sweat. I prefer to keep the turns timed, to ensure that each of my children get an equal amount of time in front and everyone stays happy.

Video Games that Require Movement
Many video consoles have games that require a player to get up and move. Playing a high energy game can help kids get their exercise while having lots of fun. Many options exist for children of all ages, with different degrees of difficulty. From mimicking bike riding to playing soccer to gymnastics, options exist for all interests. Some games may be easily manipulated with a flick of the wrist, so the key to these activities is to make sure kids are really getting up and moving!

Dance Party
One of the easiest ways to get moving indoors in the wintertime is an indoor dance party. Simply turn on your favorite music and start boogying. My kids especially enjoy it when I join in! Indoor dance parties can take place in almost any room of the house and do not create messes. Having multiple 10 minute “get-downs” adds plenty of exercise and fun into any day that requires being stuck indoors.

Medline Plus, Exercise for Children, National Institutes for Health

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