How to Grow and Care for Your Gardenia


Gardenias prefer soil that is acidic, damp, & well-drained. Additionally, the soil ought to contain lots of organic matter.


These plants have tiny chilled tolerance. They prosper in areas where the air is humid & the temperatures do not drop below 60 degrees Fahrenheit at night all year long. In the event that they ¢re grown outside, gardenias prefer partial shade conditions; if grown inside, however, they ought to be given full sun exposure.


The best time to plant gardenias is in the fall or the spring. In case you live in more northern climates, avoid fertilizing gardenias in the fall. Autumn fertilization will stimulate tender growth, growth that will likely die in the coursework of the chilled winter months. In warmer climates, you ought to fertilize every month from April until November. The fertilizer that you use ought to be acidic & contain a fair amount of organic matter.

Planting & Feeding Times

Gardenias need humidity, but you ought to keep away from misting the plants leaves. The soil ought to be damp throughout, but it ought to not be over-watered. They ought to not be planted near trees or plants with aggressive roots. Gardenias do not tolerate root disturbance well.

Although gardenias are difficult to grow successfully, they are well worth the work, & have of the most pleasant scents that you will be sure to enjoy.

Check your gardenias regularly for bugs, for aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, & scales. If all or any of these are present, you ought to strive to rid your gardenias of them.

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