How to Get Rid of Those Pesky Fruit Flies

From my three sources the first step would be to wash your fruit and refrigerate before they even attract fruit flies in the first place. There are other great solutions listed below! Some are my own and some are from the Internet addresses at the bottom of this article.

1. Wash all dirty dishes instead of letting them accumulate. 2. Keep counters and drains clean. 3. Wash dish rags in between usage with soap and water throughout the day. I bleach my dish rags twice a week besides washing them. 4. Do not toss old fruit in your garbage bin, but, instead put it in your mulch pile in your back yard (not too close to your home,) and, if you can’t do that at least keep your garbage covered or use your garbage disposal. 5. Store your fruit in the refrigerator instead of leaving it out. 6. Clean under and around your stove. 7. Empty mop water and add bleach and water to the mop in a bucket to disinfect between uses. 8. If you must store fruit in a bowl outside of the refrigerator then keep a fan blowing on it because the flies can’t land in a cross wind. 9. Don’t keep any vegetable or meat scraps in your garbage, instead freeze them to make soup from them or dispose of them in your garbage disposal or compost pile away from the house. 10. Whip up some soap suds with dish soap. Place them in a bowl with a little fruit to attract fruit flies. The flies will drown in the suds. 11. Pour a half cup of hot apple cider vinegar with a half cup hot water down your drain to kill fruit flies in the drain. 12. You can trap them in a bowl with vinegar and dish soap. The vinegar attracts them and the dish soap traps them.

In conclusion: Fruit flies breed and live in warm moist places such as garbage disposals and sink drains. Cleaning your garbage disposal and drain with hot water on a regular basis will keep them from taking up residence. I hope that you all have a happy and pest free fall harvest this year!


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