How to Evaluate the Quality of Your Homeschooling

Even if you do not have to report what you do for homeschol to anyone in your state, it is still important to make sure that you evaluate the quality of your homeschool. This is not something that you have to do on a daily, or monthly basis. However you would want to take the time and do this at least every three months, or perhaps six months. The key is to take the time and set up your own evaluation schedule. So how can you go about evaluating the quality of your homeschool? Below you will find a few ideas and suggestions.

Test their skills

You can start by putting their skills to the test. Every three months you can test them based on the work they have already done. You don’t need an official test, instead you can make up your own test based on the information that you have already covered. Then take this test and file it away when they are done. If you don’t have the time you can do an online search and you may be able to find a worksheet that will work to make sure your child is on the level they need to be.

Take a look at your workspace

Not all kids who are homeschooled like to work at a desk, but their work area should really be comfortable. When they are doing writing assignments it is important to make sure that they have a desk to use in order to complete their work. Just check to make sure that your work space is still functional. Keep in mind that it may have been working well a few months before, but it may not be anymore. That is kind of the point of evaluating the quality of your home school.

Pinpoint the difficult areas

Take the time to look at their school work, and do a bit of review. See if they need any help in certain areas. If you notice that they have some weak areas, then you will want to focus on helping them to master these areas. One of the luxuries of homeschoolings is that you can make sure that your child has the ability to master all subjects.

Talk with your kids

sometimes evaluating your school area can be as simple as talking things over with your kids. Sit down and talk with your children. After spending some time covering the curriculum, now may be the time to see if your kids are enjoying the curriculum or if it is difficult for them.

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