Help Your Child Become More Independent

Kids today are used to relying on their parents for almost everything. Many adolescents continue to live at home without work, and may choose to live with their parents until well into their adult years. It is important, more than ever, to teach our children proper techniques for becoming independent at an early age. Here are a few ideas to help you get started.

1. Have Snacks Ready to Go
Show your children where healthy snacks are located in which they can help themselves with. Teach your children the importance of waiting until the next meal to eat, rather than asking you for food all throughout the day. By teaching your child to find their own snacks you are in turn helping them to independently get their own food. You may want to keep larger portions tucked away, while also keeping an eye on the amount of snacks your child indulges in. Having small bowls located near the snacks may help your child with portion control as well.

2. Give your Child Daily Chores
Have your children learn the importance of having their own daily jobs. If you have more than one child, allow them to take turns getting the mail, while you observe them for safety (this part is up to you, depending on the age and maturity of the child). Remind your children to make their beds before leaving for school for the day. After school, remind them where to put their homework assignments. By standing back and giving gentle reminders, we are able to help encourage our children become more independent.

3. Teach Your Child Important Tasks
The more mature your child becomes, the more you should be able to teach them to do for themselves. If your child is able to set up a printer to print, teach them how to do so. If your child is able to water the plants without your help, allow them to do this as well. Children are capable of doing much more than we give them credit for. By teaching our children how to do new tasks in steps, we help them learn how to do things for themselves, without our help.

4. Allow Your Children to Use Their Imagination
Today’s media is filled with the latest toys and gadgets that children think they need to have. Rather than over-indulging your child, invest in items that will be long-lasting and versatile. Young children of all ages loves playing make believe. Sometimes all it takes is a new cardboard box, some paint, and a costume to spark their imagination. By allowing your children to come up with their own games, you are in turn helping them to think independently, and creatively.

5. Teach Your Child That Hard Work Equals Rewards
Give your child a small allowance to save towards a toy in which they seek to own. A quarter for a week’s worth of chores is sufficient, especially for younger children. Put all money away in a piggy bank and keep it up high so that the child cannot access it until you are ready to. By teaching the child the importance of savings, you can help them learn the beginning skills of money management, a very important skill to have in order to gain independence in life.

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