GOP CNN National Security Debate: What Ron Paul Should Have Elaborated on and Santorum’s Dirty Ties

Ron Paul has always stood for a constitutional government and principles that protect the liberty of American citizens. Though the delivery of his messages, not always polished, continues to resonate with most Libertarians, moderate Democrats and Independents that wish to end the wars, as well as change our current foreign policies.

The Establishment GOP, despite severe blow-back from the 2008 Presidential election, continues to hold unwavering Neo Conservative views that consist of nation building, illegal occupations and a fascist brand of false “patriotism.”

President Eisenhower warned of the dangers related to the unchecked expansion of the Military Industrial Complex and the corporations that benefit from never-ending conflict. From the engineered Gulf Of Tonkin incident that spurred on the Vietnam war to the false allegations of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq; the Central Intelligence Agency has played a major role with regard to “false flag” operations around the world, designed to line the pockets of powerful military contractors, politicians and central banks. These claims aren’t conspiracy theories; it’s historical fact.

Presidential candidate Rick Sanatorium advocated profiling ‘Muslims,’ while the other mainstream Republican candidates, being a little more vague when it came to ethnicity or religion, largely agreed.

Israel’s profiling of potential terrorists, of course, was the model in which these candidates brought up as an effective answer to travel security. What the candidates don’t acknowledge, or are completely ignorant of, is the fact that Israel does not employ racial profiling. Instead, the Israelis put emphasis on detecting suspicious behavior.

What the mainstream ‘Neocon’ candidates also fail to realize is that “terrorists” of any faith, especially extremest Muslims don’t necessarily have to look like a cookie-cutter caricature of a person of Arab decent.

Paul rightly pointed out Timothy Mcveigh as an example of home-grown terrorism, but he should have used the “Underwear Bomber,” a person that could easily pass as your average African-American, as a point of reference, too .

Dawud Mannion, a white Muslim extremist convert, could easily pass as a typical “patriotic” corn-bread-eaten’ American southerner with his long reddish beard and unassuming disposition.

The Earth Liberation Front is another perfect example of seemingly normal looking pack of white kids turning to extremist terror tactics in an attempt to convey their “green” message. White supremacist groups aren’t any exception, either.

With regard to the Patriot Act, Paul should have mentioned in detail the unconstitutional aspects of the legislation. Chief among these issues relate to language that permits unlawful search and seizure without adhering to the standard of probable cause. The broad interpretation of Section 215 by government agencies allows for spying on telephone conversations, email interception and GPS tracking of individuals.

Apart from the glaring threat of tyranny the Patriot Act represents, Presidential Executive Orders are in place to suspend the United States Constitution if the president deems the country faces a “national emergency.” More specifically, these standing Executive Orders in conjunction with certain legislative actions will grant the executive branch total control of the country’s natural resources, private property and the military . After 9/11, the Bush administration furthered initiatives related to rapid construction and maintenance of American interment camps. The National Detention Center Program is said to prepare for “an influx of illegal immigrants,” but a New York Times article, dated from 2006, reveals that a Ha l liburton subsidiary received a $385 million contract to build these detention centers to “house people in the event of a natural disaster or for new programs that require additional detention space.” In total, these detention centers have the capacity to hold up to 21 million individuals.

The U.S. government didn’t need to impose over-reaching laws to combat terror. They just needed to accept responsibility for the shitty job they did by allowing 9/11 to happen in the first place. The warning signs, evidence and intent with regard to Al Qaeda had stared both administrations (Clinton’s and Bush’s) in the face. No level of imposition on the average American’s civil liberties can make up for the level of gross incompetence seen in the Federal government with regard to preventing 9/11.

Homeland Security, working with local law enforcement, is not only looking at possible Muslim extremists, White Supremacists or ‘Eco-terrorists’- An uncovered MIAC Strategic Report, dated 2009, attempts to link home-grown militia movements with American citizens that are critical of the Federal Reserve, the U.S. government in general, Libertarians, anti-abortionists, third party advocates, Ron Paul supporters and groups that support tax reforms. Persons who fly a “Don’t Tread on Me” flag, own such movies as ‘Zeitgeist’ and ‘America: Freedom to Fascism’ are also indicated as threats to the Federal government, according to the law enforcement report.

Immediately after Hurricane Katrina, Government contractors such as Blackwater security forces, in addition to others, were used in the botched rescue efforts . Interestingly enough, Presidential candidate Rick Santorum has strong ties to Blackwater, which include s securing government contracts for the company and receiving campaign contributions from them during his time as a U.S. Senator.

Santorum also voted against legislative amendments that would close loopholes for foreign subsidiaries of companies such as Hal l iburton with regard to conducting business with known terrorist states. Rick’s blatant disregard for the security interests of the United States is one of many examples for the GOP Establishments involvement with profiting off conflicts and creating conditions designed to prolong them.

Although former Vice President Dick Cheney officially left his post with Hal l iburton, his stock options with the company rose over 3000% after being awarded billions worth of no-bid defense contracts. Before leaving Halliburton, Cheney received a sizable “retirement package,” totaling over $20 million. In 2002, Cheney’s net worth was estimated to be in excess of $86 million.

Paul has long promised to get rid of all the unconstitutional Executive Orders if afforded the chance to be the Commander and Chief. While the economy will be on the forefront of voter’s minds when looking for a potential presidential candidate, this writer believes it is equally important to examine each contender with a healthy dose of skepticism, regardless of the candidates economic policies.

Examining the possible ties of each candidate to the Military Industrial Complex, as well as other Corporatist entities, may be the difference between prosperity and peace, or the destruction of our country’s values, civil liberties and further erosion of our standing in the world.

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