Five Happy Apples

Five happy apples up in a tree.
Five happy apples smiling down at me.

A gusty wind blew round and round.
One happy apple fell to the ground.

Four happy apples up in a tree.
Four happy apples smiling down at me.

A gusty wind blew round and round.
One happy apple fell to the ground.

Three happy apples up in a tree.
Three happy apples smiling down at me.

A gusty wind blew round and round.
One happy apple fell to the ground.

Two happy apples up in a tree.
Two happy apples smiling down at me.

A gusty wind blew round and round.
One happy apple fell to the ground.

One happy apples up in a tree.
One happy apples smiling down at me.

A gusty wind blew round and round.
One happy apple fell to the ground.

No happy apples up in a tree.
No happy apples smiling down at me.

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