Facts About Citrus Magic Evaporation

Have you ever wondered what happens to the Citrus Magic solid air freshener you use in your home? You open it up, set it down, and weeks later it has all but disappeared. There is a scientific explanation for this process of evaporation.
What is in Citrus Magic?

Citrus Magic uses 100 percent natural oils extracted from citrus fruits like oranges and lemons to make its solid air fresheners. In addition, they use baking soda and other natural ingredients to produce a solid, odor-absorbing air freshener.

How Evaporation Works

The process of evaporation that occurs in Citrus Magic solid air fresheners is called sublimation. This occurs when a solid converts to a gas without going through the liquid stage. As the solid converts to gas, the fragrance is released. Citrus Magic usually takes about 10 weeks to complete the sublimation process, but warmer or more humid environments speed up the process.

Is it Harmful?

In September 2007, the Natural Resources Defense Council, a New York-based environmental advocacy group, conducted a study that showed that Citrus Magic contained trace amounts of phthalates. Frequent exposure to phthalates can lead to infertility, cancer and a decrease in testosterone levels in infants that may result in malformed reproductive organs.

The Water Cycle: Sublimation
Natural Resources Defense Council: Protect Your Family from the Hidden Hazards in Air
Our Stolen Future: About Phthalates

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