Eden Eternal Ulta Hall Dungeon Guide

This quest guide is to help new players get through the Ulta hall dungeon, for the MMO Eden Eternal. After you reach level 37, Village elder Gray will have a new quest for you to enter Ulta hall. But first, he will ask you to go talk to warrior Erth. After speaking with Erth, he will give you a new mission to kill Kenny. Yes, his name is Kenny…

This may sound simple, but this dungeon is extremely hard. Stock up on supplies now and find some strong friends.

Make your way up north and enter Ulta hall dungeon. The dungeon is about 20 to 30 minutes long depending on how well you work as a team. This is also a five person dungeon, so make sure you have a strong and well balanced team with you. You will need either a mage or illusionist; a cleric or bard; a tank; and a DPS, which can be either an archer or a thief. All five will have a very important part for this dungeon.

The Carmela totem masters and tomb raiders are the first monsters you come across. Your tank should be able to take them all on without any problems. However, The Carmela robber leader is very hard to kill because they have a large amount of health points and deal out a lot of damage. Make sure to divide the robber leaders from all the other monsters so that you don’t die trying to tank them.

When you get to the main large circular hallway you will have two choices, the left path heading west, and the right path heading east. Head down the right east path first until you see a set of stairs leading into the center of the dungeon. The stairs are guarded by the “Awakened bronze statues”, they are extremely hard to kill and should be lured away one by one if possible. They are probably the hardest non-boss monster in the dungeon. There are about 8 of them in a row, but if you take the east path that I suggested, then you will only have to fight about half of them.

You killed Kenny!

After you make it up the stairs make a right turn, Kenny is just beyond the bronze statues. He is weak against blunt strikes, lightning, and holy magic. He has two buffs, one that makes him resistant to lightning, and another that gives him a chance to perform a triple hit. He has several debuff attacks, such as a skill that lowers all of your stats by 10%, another that disables your skills for a short amount of time, and another that deals double damage for his next attack. He also has a spinning AOE attack. If you have a healer with you that stays out of AOE range and removes your debuffs for you, then Kenny isn’t really all that hard to kill. He sounds worse than what he really is.

After Kenny is dead head back the way you came. This time make your way down the left western path. If you go up the other staircases be on the look out for the Activated safeguard robots that are hidden in the grass and pop up out of the center of the dungeon. They are only located at the top of the stairs, so if you don’t go up there you shouldn’t have to worry about them… for now that is.

The safeguard robots are almost equally as hard as the bronze warriors, but they die a bit faster because their HP isn’t as high. If you stay down on the lower levels of the western path you will eventually see the boss Tiamat. Don’t kill him just yet though, that is for another quest, for now just try to avoid him.

Slaying the dragon Tiamat

When you go down the west path you will come across the saw tooth dragons, these monsters can be extremely hard to kill for level 37 players. A good tactic is to have your tank lure it towards your party, and then kite the dragon. If you don’t know what “kiting” is, it means that you run away from the monster and let your mages and archers do all the damage. The tanker that is kiting will never engage it in combat; just keep its attention by provoking them. Try not to fight more then one dragon at a time.

Now after you kill Kenny, ST Erth will have a new quest for you. He will ask you to kill Tiamat. ST Erth is located within the dungeon on the west side. If you open the map and make it big, you can see the small pier he is standing on. This may sound easy, but you have to cross Tiamat in order to get to ST Erth. If you wait a few seconds Tiamat will walk up north and will allow you to reach ST Erth. After you gain the quest to kill Tiamat, you may now go and engage him in combat. If you killed Tiamat before accepting the quest then you will have to redo the entire dungeon to finish the quest…

Tiamat is weak against Ice magic, piercing attacks, and lightning magic. I would recommend using the same tactic as the saw tooth dragon to kill him for lower level players. Just make sure that the tanker keeps enough malice to kite Tiamat. He has a massive AOE attack and a few debuffs. The debuffs don’t matter too much because they fade almost as fast as he puts them on.

The final battle

The last boss monster you have to kill is Gamera, the snap turtle. He is located at the north part of the dungeon. Follow the west road up to the top of the dungeon, and then take the stairs up. You will have to fight a few of those Activated safeguard robots, so be prepared for them. After you go up the stairs make a right turn towards Gamera. Make sure to proceed slowly so that you don’t activate too many robots and aggravate the boss at the same time. Clear the area of monsters before moving forward.

Gamera is weak against blunt strikes, ice magic, and lightning. He also has a healing debuff that he places on you to recharge his life. When he places the debuff on you stop attacking him and wait for it to wear off. He also has a killing AOE Debuff, the bleeding heart icon. If you attack him while the AOE debuff is on you then you will end up doing damage to yourself and committing suicide. When the buff is on, stop attacking until it wears off and make sure your healer keeps you alive. Breaking the boss makes this battle go by a lot faster, so have your tank use a blunt weapon. After Gamera is dead, leave the dungeon and make your way back to town to report your progress to the village grand elder Gray. After you talk to Gray it will complete the final quest.

Now make your way to Avila Volcano to talk to the Soul guardian to start the new set of quests!

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