Easy Ways to Savings

Forgo makeup. Men don’t wear makeup, so why should women. Keep more money in your pocket. Forget the false look of makeup and instead make sure your hair looks nice and your clothes are flattering. If guys needn’t wear makeup to attract females then the same should hold true for women. Most men appreciate the natural look. Forget about hiding behind concealers and instead flaunt what you have.

Clothes are a commodity. Treat them as such. Shopping may or may not be a fun experience for you, but whether or not you enjoy, it’s still costing you money. Shopping is a chore, not a pastime. Treat it as such. Replace shopping with simple things like a leisurely walk. You’ll get some exercise and save a bundle.

Opt for baby shampoo. It’s gentler and better for your hair. It costs less. Search the supermarket or go to the dollar store. Baby shampoo can easily be had for $1 a bottle. Pair it with an inexpensive conditioner. Avoid blow drying if you can. Enjoy your soft and shiny hair and all the money you’ve saved in the process.

Put a portion of your salary immediately into savings. Sock some of it away as fast as you can. Out of sight, out of mind.

Break free of expensive habits and vices. Smoking is an exceedingly costly addiction. Save hundreds per month by overcoming it. Save even more by giving up or cutting way back on meat. Meat is expensive. Other proteins like beans, peanut butter and tofu are way cheaper. Instead of having meat at every dinner, have it only a few times a weak. Switch your lunches to an alternative protein.

Clean smarter. A lot of money can be wasted on cleaning products. One for the bathroom. Another for the kitchen. A third for electronics. There are way too many different cleaners on supermarket shelves. The average person probably only needs 2 or 3 of them. A combo of rubbing alcohol and water is perfect for cleaning TVs, computers, stereos, etc. A general purpose glass cleaner or vinegar is good for cleaning most everything else. If you have wood furniture you’ll also need either wood polish or you can use a vegetable oil. Besides streamlining your cleaning products, using non-cleaners like alcohol, vinegar and vegetable oil can save you a bundle. On top of the savings, it’s environmentally friendly.

Forget the movie theater – use your netflix or cable subscription. Everybody has one or the other. Some have both. Instead of paying $12 a person to go to the movie theater on Friday night, make the most of the money you’re already spending every month on premium entertainment subscriptions like pay channels, streaming services and DVD my mail. You’ll always have the best seat in the house and the popcorn’s better too.

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