Dog Walking and Caring for Aquariums Keeps Me Fit

Before I began working from home as a freelance writer, I kept fit because I was homeless. Having to walk one mile to get fresh water every day really shed the pounds. However, I do not recommend this fitness method for anyone. I was 5 foot 10 inches tall and at one point weighed an emaciated 112 pounds.

Although now that I’m homed and have indoor plumbing, I cannot afford exercise equipment or a gym membership to stay fit. My doctor has told me that I need to keep at a healthy weight range of 165 to 180 pounds in order to avoid such expensive health problems like diabetes Type 2 or cardiovascular disease – both conditions which run in my family. My pets must have consulted my doctor because they keep me moving from sunup to well after sundown.

Dog Walking

Walking a dog burns up to 204 calories per hour (if you weigh about 150 pounds.) One can of Coke is 207 calories. I walk my two dogs simultaneously on a leash made for two dogs. I originally tried walking them on separate leashes but this caused pain in my lower back. If your two dogs match in size and walking speed, you may not have this problem.

My dogs, however, are a bit of a mismatch. Pony is a sleek British mongrel that weighs about 65 lbs and knows only two speeds – stop and warp drive. Hugo is a 17 pound Chinese crested powder puff (the type with the hair) with legs less than half Pony’s length. Hugo enjoys running under Pony’s belly and tangling up the lead.

Pony is the pace setter. She drags both Hugo and I along until we reach our home street, where she puts on the brakes and needs to be partly dragged home. Pony likes to roll on her back in various selected yards, which can cause more leash entanglement or even pull off Hugo’s chest harness. We walk until all three of us are panting and I break out into a sweat, which in mild weather is about 35 to 45 minutes. Never force a dog to walk that’s panting heavily.

Aquarium Maintenance

I have two 20 gallon freshwater fish tanks because my Dad decided to give them up and idiot me took them in. The tropical fish tank is on the first floor while goldfish tank is in the basement – along with the sink used for their water changes and to clean any equipment or new gravel.

The tropical fish tank is home to a dragonscale betta and Mr. Big Fish, an 8.5 inch long common plecostomus. Because of Mr. Big Fish’s prodigious poop, I need to perform partial water changes twice or three times a week. In comparison, the goldfish only need to be done once a week.

Carrying a bucket full of dirty water down a flight of stairs to the basement and then a bucket of clean water back upstairs to the tropical fish tank is an exercise in weight-lifting, balance and dodging the excited bodies of two dogs that for some reason think they are getting fed.

According to “Reversing the Obesogenic Environment” (Human Kinetics; 2011) women burn 0.15 calories per step while walking up stairs or 9 calories per minute. You burn more if toting a bucket containing three gallons of water, which comes to about 25 lbs. Don’t worry if you trip and spill the bucket because you’ll burn 74 calories per hour mopping up the water. If it spilled on the living room carpet, it will take at least an hour to clean up.

After doing this pet-driven workout every week, I’m grateful that I haven’t become under weight.


“Reversing the Obesogenic Environment.” Rebecca E. Lee, et al. Human Kinetics; 2001.

Calorie Count. “Calories Burned with Walking the Dog.”

Fourmilab. “The Weight of Water.” John Walker.

Lifestyle and Women. “Burn Mega Calories in One Night.”

Author’s personal experience

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