Cranberry Sauce: Unsung Hero of the Thanksgiving Table

It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving in my mind without the cranberry sauce. People underestimate how crucial it is as a component of the Thanksgiving meal. Turkey and pie typically steal the show, and even I would admit that my mom’s mashed potatoes are the first thing I go for after saying grace.

However, the cranberry sauce is what brings it all together. Without it, your plate would be a brown and white starchy wonderland. Think about it. Turkey: white. Gravy: brown. Mashed potatoes: white. Stuffing: brown. Wine: white. Rolls: brown. Pecan pie: brown.

Cranberry: PINK!

Serving preferences vary: do you prefer sliced, cubed, jellied, canned or fresh? The recipes and variations are vast. Foodies from around the country pump out fancy styles, like Apple-Cinnamon Cranberry Sauce, or organic, whole-berry, probably straight-from-the-bog. I admit they look pretty, but here’s my confession: I love cranberry sauce from the can.


It’s true. I pride myself on my ability to slide the gelatinous, cylindrical blob out of the can and slice perfectly-portioned discs (NOT cubes) onto a crystal dish. They’re exactly the right size to place on each vintage china plate, not to mention the perfect shape for those all-important leftover sandwiches.

So, this Thanksgiving, while you’re gushing about your father’s tasty turkey or your grandma’s perfect pecan pie, don’t forget to say a silent thank you for the cranberry sauce, too.

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