A Christian Attitude

This is a problem of perception, both on the part of some Christians and on those who don’t believe what we believe. Many think that a “good Christian” should hate the “ungodly.”

That’s not what Jesus taught. That’s not what the Apostles taught. That is not the right attitude.

Think about it. Who did Jesus hang out with? Amongst His disciples were a radical, a tax collector, and someone who would betray Him for money. They weren’t all Godly when they were called, and some of them took some time to become so after His resurrection.

Think about who He ate and drank with. He didn’t stay in the Temple and hang out with the teachers of the law, He stayed, ate and drank with what the Temple viewed as “sinners.” They were the riffraff of His time.

When the Romans were pounding the nails into His hands and feet, He could have cursed them. They were pagans. They didn’t follow His religion. Instead, He asked God to forgive them, because they didn’t know what they were doing.

Paul was almost beaten to death several times for his faith. Only once by the Romans, as he was a Roman citizen and that was illegal, but the Jews and some of the followers of various cults didn’t much care for him. Peter and the other apostles were also frequent receivers of the Roman lash. There is no evidence of hatred, cursing or any call for divine retribution for these actions.

When Christ was teaching, there were two keys to a Christ like attitude that we should all remember. One is to love our enemies. That’s hard to do, especially after terrorist attacks and other activities of hatred towards us and our country. It was hard to do back then, too. When the Roman persecution started, it probably wasn’t easy to love the guy shoving you out to be lion fodder, or the huge crowds that came to see you mauled.

The second was “judge not lest ye be judged and in the same light found wanting.” That’s important. If you judge someone, you will be judged. I don’t know about you, but I’ve got enough trouble keeping my own relationship with God healthy. I don’t need to start worrying about yours.

There is no place for hatred of others in our walk with Christ. There is no place for judgment, either. Our job is to live in a Christ like manner. Let’s leave the judgment to the Judge, and be grateful that Christ is our defense attorney.

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