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When are you most contagious when you have the stomach flu

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A person infected with a rotavirus can even be contagious for as long as two weeks after they feel well again. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-are-you-most-contagious-when-you-have-the-stomach-flu ]
More Answers to “When are you most contagious when you have the stomach flu
When are you most contagious when you have the stomach flu
A person infected with a rotavirus can even be contagious for as long as two weeks after they feel well again.
How long is stomach flu contagious?
Depending on the type of virus that is causing the illness, you could be contagious even before you show symptoms until up to a week after symptoms have subsided. It is best in most cases to avoid sending children back to school or daycare …
How long is someone with stomach flu contagious?
If you’ve come down with a bug, you may wonder how long someone with the stomach flu is contagious. First, you need to look at which type of virus you have. Most adults have norovirus. You will begin to get sick within 2-3 days of exposure….

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Preventing the “stomach flu”?
Q: Preventing the “stomach flu”?I wanted to share some facts about Norwalk virus to help people prevent this virus this year (or cut down on it as much as possible)Please don’t report this, I have posted this in several different health sections to get the word out.When people are properly educated, they will have less fear and more control over prevention.The Norwalk virus is known as the nasty 24 hour bug that causes explosive and sudden diarrhea and projectile vomiting.Usually non life threating but can cause complications in the very young,elderly and those with compromised immune systems.PREVENTION-Wash your hands before preparing food/eating food and most importantly, TOUCHING YOUR MOUTH/NOSE.The ONLY way to become infected with this virus is if you ingest the virus by viral particles from feces or vomit entering through your mouth, or nose, or possibly your eyes.It is impossible to “breathe” in the virus BUT possible to become infected by breathing in aerosol “spray” droplets from someone vomiting right next to you.(the droplets settle within minuted but can still infect someone until cleaned with bleach)Even if your whole family breaks out with this virus, you can prevent it by washing your hands for at least 15 seconds with soap.Remember that you are not killing the virus, you are washing it down the drain even if you use an antibacterial soap (which only kills bacteria, not viruses)If a member of your family comes down with the virus, let them know to wash their hands AFTER a bowel movement and vomiting.The only way to clean infected areas is to clean with BLEACH.Clean bathrooms (all infected areas) with a bleach solution as soon as possible and be sure to prevent cross contamination and wash your hands afterwards.Especially children!People are STILL contagious even after 24 hours after their symptoms settle down so it is always important to wash your hands after the rest room (which you should do anyways!)The key to staying Norwalk virus free is to keep sanitary.Wash your hands after using the bathroom…you could prevent other peoples misery as well as yours!!MythsIt is ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to get infected in any of the following ways:1. Being “near” someone who has it, including co-workers or friends2. Being on a plane with people who have it3. Breathing the same air as someone who has it4. Being in the same building as someone who has it5. Walking past a pool of vomit on the floor, road or sidewalk6. Through having sexual relations with an infected person7. Through a cut in your skin8. Through your rectum or genitalia (as in, on a toilet)9. Kissing someone who is not yet showing symptoms (note: it may be possible to catch it from someone who has recently vomited by kissing them, as viral particles may be in their mouth from vomitus. But the virus is NOT transmitted through saliva)10. Number 6, above, applies similarly to sharing cups or utensils with someone as well.TIPS:Do not share any cups/plates/utensils with an infected person and be sure to wash in a bleach solution to prevent cross contamination with the rest of your family.Good luck and stay healthy.:)
A: Hey, thanks for the information… it is much appreciated!
Is a stomach virus inevitable?
Q: My husband, son and I are living with my Dad, Mom, Sister, Brother-in-law, and their baby boy. My dad and my nephew both have symptoms of a stomach virus. The symptoms started showing up yesterday morning for my nephew and last night for my dad. My nephew has a fever. My dad does not. Both have been throwing up and both have diarheah (or however you spell that infernal word)Questions: -Once you have the virus, when you are most contagious? Are you more contagious before you have symptoms or after or both or neither? -How long is the incubation period for stomach viruses?-Would the flu shot help my son not to get it?-How can you tell the difference between food poisoning and viral infection?-How are stomach viruses spread?My BIG concern is that we are going on vacation next week and I’d hate for my son to be sick. If he were to get the virus, do you think he would get it and be over it by next weekend? Oh please say yes. I’m going nuts here!
A: A stomach virus is not contagious, except through the gut.Your Dad and nephew acquired it from something they ate or drank. Stomach viruses have a short incubation period. Your son probably did not eat the same thing, or he would have got the infection by now. Those who have it should be careful about hand- washing and washing of utensils and dishes.The flu shot will not help. Food poisoning is almost the same.
Preventing the “stomach flu”?
Q: I wanted to share some facts about Norwalk virus to help people prevent this virus this year (or cut down on it as much as possible)Please don’t report this, I have posted this in several different health sections to get the word out.When people are properly educated, they will have less fear and more control over prevention.The Norwalk virus is known as the nasty 24 hour bug that causes explosive and sudden diarrhea and projectile vomiting.Usually non life threating but can cause complications in the very young,elderly and those with compromised immune systems.PREVENTION-Wash your hands before preparing food/eating food and most importantly, TOUCHING YOUR MOUTH/NOSE.The ONLY way to become infected with this virus is if you ingest the virus by viral particles from feces or vomit entering through your mouth, or nose, or possibly your eyes.It is impossible to “breathe” in the virus BUT possible to become infected by breathing in aerosol “spray” droplets from someone vomiting right next to you.(the droplets settle within minuted but can still infect someone until cleaned with bleach)Even if your whole family breaks out with this virus, you can prevent it by washing your hands for at least 15 seconds with soap.Remember that you are not killing the virus, you are washing it down the drain even if you use an antibacterial soap (which only kills bacteria, not viruses)If a member of your family comes down with the virus, let them know to wash their hands AFTER a bowel movement and vomiting.The only way to clean infected areas is to clean with BLEACH.Clean bathrooms (all infected areas) with a bleach solution as soon as possible and be sure to prevent cross contamination and wash your hands afterwards.Especially children! People are STILL contagious even after 24 hours after their symptoms settle down so it is always important to wash your hands after the rest room (which you should do anyways!)The key to staying Norwalk virus free is to keep sanitary.Wash your hands after using the bathroom…you could prevent other peoples misery as well as yours!!MythsIt is ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to get infected in any of the following ways:1. Being “near” someone who has it, including co-workers or friends2. Being on a plane with people who have it3. Breathing the same air as someone who has it4. Being in the same building as someone who has it5. Walking past a pool of vomit on the floor, road or sidewalk6. Through having sexual relations with an infected person7. Through a cut in your skin8. Through your rectum or genitalia (as in, on a toilet)9. Kissing someone who is not yet showing symptoms (note: it may be possible to catch it from someone who has recently vomited by kissing them, as viral particles may be in their mouth from vomitus. But the virus is NOT transmitted through saliva)10. Number 6, above, applies similarly to sharing cups or utensils with someone as well.TIPS:Do not share any cups/plates/utensils with an infected person and be sure to wash in a bleach solution to prevent cross contamination with the rest of your family. Good luck and stay healthy.:)
A: I can only agree and emphasize two of your points, in particular:1) Washing hands – use soap. The amount of times I am in a public bathroom, the person next to me uses the facilities and, while I am washing my hands with soap (using a surgical scrub actually – I study microbiology as my PhD so I can be a bit obsessive), the person next to me only rinses their hands with water! It’s horrifying! No wonder bugs and viruses can be so quickly transmitted.2) Sharing drinks and so on – I can’t believe that there is so much education out there about how not to contract diseases (including by not sharing drinks) and I’m constantly offered shared drinks. My friends will order a drink, say how nice it is and then shove the straw in my face. Of course I don’t have any of it and politely refuse…but, what does it take to ‘educate’ people?Thanks for your attempt. I appreciate it and hopefully even just one person will take your advice on board. =)I’ll gracefully descend from my soapbox…
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