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When are cold sores infected

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Causes of an infected cold sore include a fever, a cold, or the flu, ultraviolet radiation (exposure to the sun),stress, changes in the immune system or trauma to the skin. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-are-cold-sores-infected ]
More Answers to “When are cold sores infected
When are cold sores infected
Causes of an infected cold sore include a fever, a cold, or the flu, ultraviolet radiation (exposure to the sun),stress, changes in the immune system or trauma to the skin.
How to Get Rid of an Infected Cold Sore With Natural Remedies?
Cold sores are a strain of herpes simplex virus type 1. These sores usually form at the edge of the lips. Within a couple days, they will break open forming a crust which is yellow in appearance….
Cold Sores – How To Treat Mouth Blisters & Mouth Ulcers Cause…?
Some people are more vulnerable than others making infection easy to take hold, whereas others are more likely to catch the disease off someone already infected. Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus of which there are two types…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can cold sores be transmitted to genital area by oral sex??
Q: big debate last night over a bottle of wine or 2, I´m positive type A can be, Cold sores can be past by having oral sex but my friend says no, she has given oral when she has cold sores and has never infected any partner, she won´t believe me am i right. worried she is risking infecting partner.SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE, DOCTORS OR NURSES ANSWERS REQUESTED.
A: Yes
Would you let a partner that got cold sores give you oral sex when they didn’t currently have one?
Q: I have genital herpes type 1.Type 1 is the type of herpes that causes nearly all oral herpes – cold sores. It also causes a lot of cases of genital herpes nowadays.My question is:a) would you have sex with someone that had herpes type 1 genitally when they were in between symptoms, and if you would, would you insist on condom use with them even long term?b) if you would not go have sex with someone that had it genitally, would you allow someone with oral herpes to give you unprotected oral sex when they didn’t have a cold sore?c) Are you aware that 80% of the population is infected with herpes type 1?d) If you would not have sex with the person who had it genitally, but would have oral sex/make out with someone who had it orally, why do you feel differently – would you reject a partner for having ‘cold sores’ down below but not on the face?Do you have oral herpes/cold sores yourself?Hi Miss Conduct, I think you’ll discover you’re the one that is wrong. The number – 1 or 2 – refers to the virus and not the location. Either virus can infect you orally or genitally. I do NOT have type 2 herpes! I caught type 1 from my boyfriend’s oral hsv-1 infection. Maybe you should google herpes and do a bit of research?
A: a. Yes, if we were in a relationship, and I would use protection, being aware that no protection is fool proof. b. Noc. Yesd. I wouldn’t reject a partner for either.Yes, I get cold sores, and have since I was a child. I am now 55 years old. My husband did not ever get a cold sore.
cold sore question..possibly already infected?…please help?
Q: I recently (2 weeks ago) made out with a girl with an active cold sore (i didn’t know much about them at that point). I’ve been seeing mild symptoms of cold sores on my lips…not a classic cold sore outbreak but tiny white bumps on my lips and maybe a slightly raised area on the outside of my lip which subsided in a day. I do notice constant tingling in my left upper lip area. Now my dad and grandma and aunts also get coldsores when they’re sick/ill. Theres a high probability that I was already exposed to the virus at a young age, but I don’t recall getting a cold sore and this is the first time i’m noticing symptoms albeit very mild.My question is that if I was already infected, why did I see an outbreak after kissing her? and could it be mild because I already have antibodies? What are the chances that I will have recurrences?I appreciate all you help! I’m really stressed right now and yes i know it doesn’t help :-/…
A: You may not have already been infected, or you may have gotten infected after making out with her. And the first answerer is wrong about only being able to be tested when you have an outbreak, because they can do a blood test for it. It tests for the antibodies for HSV types 1 &2. Type 1 is usually the one that causes cold sores. If you do have it, don’t worry. 80% of the population has it. Just make sure you don’t let anyone with a cold sore go down on you, because then you’ll have it genitally and that’s a whole ‘nother set of worries!
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