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What is the cause of death from huffing

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A:Sudden cardiac death from fatal cardiac arrhythmias, asphyxiation, aspiration, or suffocation can occur with huffing. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-cause-of-death-from-huffing ]
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What is the cause of death from huffing
Sudden cardiac death from fatal cardiac arrhythmias, asphyxiation, aspiration, or suffocation can occur with huffing.

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How do I deal with this?
Q: My father-in-law was physically abusive and a drinker when my partner was little. I really believe that the stress of his father’s violence contributed to my partner’s mother’s early death from cancer. So, my mother-in-law was dead before I even got the chance to meet her.Now, my FIL is trying to do the work of both parents (my partner is 30 and siblings are all well past 20yrs old) which is commendable, given his history, but he’s so controlling as well, which I can’t stand. When he calls us, he doesn’t talk to my partner – he barks commands at and lectures him. My siblings-in-law have admitted to me that they don’t feel able to make decisions on their own, either because he’s always done it for them and they’ve never learned self-reliance, or they know that he’ll just shout down whatever they say anyway. It’s all I can do not to yell, ‘Do you mind? That’s my husband you’re talking to!’ when he’s on speakerphone and I can hear every word. My partner and I (and, no doubt, my siblings-in-law) feel obligated to take care of him in his old age, since it was him who put up the money for their education and took care of them after their mother died. However, his violence was also the cause of several years of pain for me, at the hands of my partner. I really believe that his father’s behaviour had an impact on him most, being the eldest, and we’ve never told my FIL or other family that my partner was violent to me too. It took a lot for us to work through it, but my partner admitted his mistakes, stopped the nonsense, and I’m really proud of him for that. We’ve come out stronger.However, my contempt for my FIL is just getting worse. He’s currently pushing his youngest (the only one living near home) to take some exam, but the kid doesn’t want to. He already ruined the kid’s potential earlier, by pushing too hard and being controlling about what and where he studied. Now the kid is turning his back on his dad, and dad’s apparently all innocent, not knowing why his son won’t come to visit him or accept his calls. I’m really starting to dislike this man, and my sympathy for his repentance over his earlier flaws is beginning to wear thin. I’m afraid of saying something I regret sometime soon. He’s even started commenting on me – my hair length, how I should prepare well physically for when we start having kids… and not in a nice, just a suggestion sort of way. It’s ‘You should/shouldn’t,’ just because he says so. I just think, ‘Why the hell should I take advice from you? If it wasn’t for you, I’d still have a MIL, I wouldn’t have a traumatised partner, and I wouldn’t have suffered that way myself!’Any advice for controlling myself when I’m around this guy, or dealing with the family situation? We can’t really talk to him about it, because he just goes in the huff, ‘after all I’ve done for you’ style, and like we’re criticising his faultless parenting skills… Thanks in advance.My partner is also really stressed whenever he comes off the phone with his dad. He tells me that all he does is complain about the other kids not doing what he wants, and treating my partner like a sounding-board and a Mr. Fix-it. My partner frequently feels overwhelmed and depressed by his dad’s dictatorial attitude, but he just says, ‘Just let it go in one ear and out the other… nothing will change.’ I feel like my FIL will soon wear down my partner just like he did with his wife… and I’ll be damned if I’m going to stand by and let him ruin his life any more. I hate seeing my partner so low…
A: This is something that you MUST discuss with hubbie, and then with his siblingsBut lay down some rules and if he ignores them, then he is no longer welcome in your home and you do not visit his. The alternative is that he infects, and I chose that word deliberately, your kids.
How to file for a Personal Protection Order?
Q: I live in Barry County MI and sick and tired of my brother threating to kill me, Physically beating me when he doesnt get his way and other dangerous behaviors.I know I probably sound like an upset little sister, but I have proof of him threating to kill me and Im tired of his BS behavior to me and my fiance. I would liek to file for a PPO.However, I have no idea where to start. I’ll probably ask the local cops tomarrow while im at work. But I need some more information. Like maybe…are there certain types or variences or PPO’s? Cause I wouldnt mind letting the order up for a couple hours for like family gathers. Im not going to make him or my family completly suffer while they’d probably think im some little bitch who’s over reacting. Ive just decided that im not going to be quiet anymore, but instead say what i wish i would say. (Hard to say what im trying to say, but im sure you probably understand).Here’s the reasonings I can think of at this moment in time:The Death ThreatsThe PunchsThe almost punch’s to my mother.The invasion of personal property [and theiving of money]. (Tomarrow after work im going and getting a new door handle so i can unlock it from the outside.) I can understand borrowing movies b/c ive done that too. But at least I dont hit him when he takes mine!!Always yelling when he doesnt get his way, and if his way isnt taken soon..then he starts menacingly cracking knuckles and huffing and grunting..and when it still hasnt been taken his way is when the punch’s or knives start coming out (oh ya another thing, he’s ALWAYS carrying around knives and has at LEAST 8 swords in his room, and has swung a few in mine and even a couple of my friends directions).(These have no real reasoning..just some stuff id like to remember for my own personal future reference..Seeing how I have no privacy when he’s home).He’s ADD(? or ADHD? i cant remember which, but he’s been abusive and quick tempered around me and my mother for as long as I can remember. He no longer takes pills in the morning but I do remember a couple mornings before school he didnt want to take his pills and almost hit her)He’s extremely obese so when he throws a punch he’s got alot of weight to throw my way. NOT that i have anything against fat people, but he Has NO excuse. He’s one of the Etremely few people in my family that are over weight. There’s this girl he’s utterly convinced himself he’s STILL dating, although she’s broke up with him a million times…but he still doesnt believe b/c she’s a dumba$$ and doesnt say it to his face!!! and everytime I try to tell him that they’re not dating he’s goes off another complete rampage.
A: A few years ago, my husband, his sister and I had to get an Order of Protection against their mom. (She tried to stab my husband; how’s that for messed up?) We just went to the County Court House. Expect to have to go to court in front of a judge. And I’m sorry to hear you’re going through this.
what revisions do you find appropriate for this essay?
Q: Felicia HeffelfingerMrs. DerckEnglish 11A, Period 6April 9, 2010The Unfairness of the Criminal Justice System with the Wrongfully ConvictedImagine being convicted of a crime you never did commit and being sentenced to life in prison, while innocent. How vulnerable and helpless would you feel, knowing that you are in control by a higher, unjust authority, and there is absolutely nothing you can do to prove your innocence? Unfortunately, there have been, and still are, thousands of people around the world that have felt this hopeless feeling. The vast majority of these wrongly convicted people have all felt these feelings of helplessness because of the following: the unfairness of the criminal justice system. Furthermore, the unfairness of the criminal justice system is a major issue for many people worldwide and must be reformed in order to ensure the fairness and safety of all people.The unfairness of the criminal justice system is a drastic problem today. Not only are many innocent people losing their lives due to the death penalty, but most are also sentenced to life in jail, still continuing to lose many years of their lives and family’s lives. In fact, a new study of Columbus, Ohio concludes that, “about 10,000 people in the United States may be wrongfully convicted of serious crimes each year… (Spring 1).” “The results are based on a survey of 188 judges, prosecuting attorneys, public defenders, sheriffs and police chiefs in Ohio and 41 state attorneys general (Spring).” Ronald Huff, director of the Criminal Justice Research Center, thinks “…that number is probably low” (Spring). In his professional opinion, Ronald Huff think this because there are most likely many other wrongly accused people throughout the world, and DNA is bringing forth an outbreak of many innocent people that are wrongfully convicted today and also in cases from the past. Consequently, there are more than 10,000 U.S. citizens that are wrongfully convicted of serious crimes each year, which is too high of a number. Also, a study mentions, “…The actual offender remains free to victimize other citizens” (Spring). Proof that specifically shows that the criminal justice system is corrupt and unjust with the wrongfully convicted and accused is with the case of Clarence Elkins. The main cause of the wrongful conviction of Elkins was eyewitness misidentification. (Innocence Project 1). The date of the crime was June 6, 1998, and the jurisdiction was in Ohio (Innocence Project 1). Clarence Elkins’ niece was spending the night at her grandmother’s house, Judith Johnson, during the time of the incident. (Innocence Project 1). A man broke into the house and attacked and murdered Judith Johnson, then raped Elkins’ 6-year-old niece. (Innocence Project 1). This young girl testified that it had looked like her uncle, Clarence. (Innocence Project 1). That is where the eyewitness misidentification came into play. Clarence’s DNA didn’t match with the DNA performed, and the only piece of evidence that the courts really had was his niece’s testimony. (Innocence Project 1). Moreover, the courts did not have any justifiable evidence against Clarence, not a thing. All they were going by was a testimony of a 6-year-old child. Also, the State even admitted that there was no physical evidence that targeted Elkins, and they even denied him another DNA testing because it “wouldn’t prove Elkins’ innocence” (Innocence Project). While everything was going on, the prosecutors, along with other members of the criminal justice system, just did not want to believe that Clarence was innocent, even with DNA from a guy that matched up with the DNA on the victims. (Innocence Project 1). Eventually, Earl Mann was found and pleaded guilty to the crime with the help of DNA, and Elkins’ niece confessed that she did not think her uncle was guilty. (Innocence Project 1). Clarence was previously sentenced to life in prison, but because of his innocence, only had to serve seven years. (Innocence Project 1). Although he was compensated, Clarence lost very important years with his family and also his children, which he will never get back or be able to be compensated for. (Innocence Project 1). Furthermore, Clarence Elkins was an ordinary, innocent man, who had been convicted and sentence to life in prison for a crime he did not ever commit. (Innocence Project 1). Clarence was an innocent man, had an unfair trial, no evidence to even convict or use against him, and lost many important years of his life for being wrongfully convicted of a crime he did not commit. (Innocence Project 1).There are many factors that lead to people being wrongfully convicted of serious crimes they did never commit. Those factors are the following: Eyewitness misidentification, perjury by witness, negligence by officials, coerced confessions, frame-ups, overzealousness, pressure by the media to solve the case, and other factors. Those were the main factors in innocent people b
A: Firstly – remove your personal data from the top before posting it so the whole world can see. Secondly, try to rephrase your essay in more academic language: “Moreover, the courts did not have any justifiable evidence against Clarence, not a thing.” is what people would say: to write it academically, use something that’s more appropriate, like ” Moreover, the prosecution did not have any other evidence against Clarence.” Check your grammar. If you cite an internet website or book or journal, do not just give the name of the source, but cite chapter and page where you can. If this is an essay that’s meant to be impartial, remove all the pleading double negatives. Stop being quite so emotive when you are using hard facts, and the argument will take care of itself. Check your phrasing. Read it out to yourself, and to others.
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