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Are flu like symptoms the first sign of pregnancy or is that a myth

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Are flu like symptoms the first sign of pregnancy or is that a myth”,you can compare them.

Nausea and morning sickness are early symptoms of pregnancy, which may begin in the first few weeks after conception. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/are-flu-like-symptoms-the-first-sign-of-pregnancy-or-is-that-a-myth ]
More Answers to “Are flu like symptoms the first sign of pregnancy or is that a myth
Are flu like symptoms the first sign of pregnancy or is that a my…?
Nausea and morning sickness are early symptoms of pregnancy, which may begin in the first few weeks after conception.
Is flu like symptoms a sign of pregnancy?
Well its debatable..sounds like the flu, esp.if your aching all over, fever, chills, cough or sore throat,etc. OR you could easily be pregnant, and the nausea is morning sickness, though its specified morning sickness as this is when it hap…
Are flu-like symptoms an early sign of pregnancy?
They are so common they can be a symptom of almost anything. Could be that’s how my mom knew she was pregnant with me….lol.
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