Why do my ears plug when I workout

Why do my ears plug when I workout

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do my ears plug when I workout”,you can compare them.

They have found that muscular tightness in the neck and shoulders pulling on ears can actually cause ears to plug up. ChaCha on. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-my-ears-plug-when-i-workout ]
More Answers to “Why do my ears plug when I workout
Why do my ears get plugged up when I listen to music and workout??
You have swimmers ear or equivalent. Avoid getting water in them. If you don’t clean them out with Q-tips, put cooking oil in them to dissolve the wax.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

why do my ears get plugged up after i workout?
Q: It has happened to me for two weeks now. I am a runner. i like to workout but this has not happened to me before. My ears are still plugged and its been several hours after my workout.
A: When do you run? Are you running on pavement/concrete or grass and dirt?I used to run, jog, walk, but I developed severe allergies. First my nose would start running, I’d get the sniffles and rather than stop and blow, I’d kinda snarf’em back (really hard to describe it, but I think you get the drift) I’d get the plugged ears, too. Didn’t think anything of it though, until I started getting earaches and infections.Long story short. Seems I sniffed the darn allergens into my Eustachian tubes and they were having allergic reactions and swelling shut so my ears couldn’t drain properly. Talk to your doctor about this. He might suggest benadryl.Hope this helps.
Why do my ears get plugged up when I listen to music and workout? ?
Q: I’ve been noticing that everytime I run and listen to music I feel like my ears are popping… Is something wrong with me!?!
A: You have swimmers ear or equivalent. Avoid getting water in them. If you don’t clean them out with Q-tips, put cooking oil in them to dissolve the wax.
Does your nose ever tingle when you workout? Do your ears ever get plugged up?
Q: Why does this happen?Today my nose started tingling… weird.
A: Mine,too! Wow…I think it is circulatory..let me find a link for you…OK, I only found vague answers online..but, most say if not ciculation, then you may be “over oxygenated”…try to breath more regularly and through your nose.

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