What should my weight be if I am 5 foot 11

What should my weight be if I am 5 foot 11

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What should my weight be if I am 5 foot 11”,you can compare them.

A healthy weight for someone that is 5′ 11″ would be in the range of 130-180 pounds. Thank you for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-should-my-weight-be-if-i-am-5-foot-11 ]
More Answers to “What should my weight be if I am 5 foot 11
What is the average weight of a 5 foot 1 inch 11 year old??
Anything between 98 to 132 pounds for a height of 5ft1
What Is The Average Weight For A 5 Foot 11 Man?
What is the average weight for a 5 foot 11 inch man
How Much Should A 5 Foot 11 Inch 15 Year Old Male Weight??
Hey my name is james, I am aged 15years 9months & weigh 12.5stone, I am 5 foot 11 inches, I have dropped from 13.3 stone in the last 2 months, I still feel over weight, but I am struggling to loose the weight, I run every morning 4 mile…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the average weight of a 5 foot 11 year old girl?
Q: the title pretty much says it all. please answer soon! this is for my cousin. is she overweight? she really wants to know. she weighs 125 pounds currently(she just dropped about 3 so she’s happy about that but… you know, she wants to do better) if it helps she has a potbelly and plays volleyball on our schools team. idk
A: neither you or she should be worried about weight at that age. you can still be overweight and healthy.she should just keep exercising and the weight should gradualy come off when she’s older.I know from experience.I was put on a diet when I was 10/11I was overweight and bullied and yet I didn’t care about my weight.ever since then I’ve had bulimia for 3 years and a f**ked body image.all I have to say. its all about being healthy and happy.
im 14 and 5 foot 8 inches and i weight exactly 11 stone am i overweight?
Q: Hello I am 5ft 8inches and im 14 and i weight exactly 11 stone. Everyone says im broad and built and i play a lot of sports especially Rugby.Am i overweight?
A: 11 stone (UK) is 154 U.S. pounds (11 stone US = 137.5 U.S. pounds). The ideal weight for someone your age and height is 148 pounds (11.84 US stone or 10.57 UK stone). But, remember, you’re human, you don’t have to fit the “ideally perfect” weight. If my calculations are correct, you’re pretty close to what perfect is so I wouldn’t worry about it. At your age, hormones will take over and your body will be changing anyway so exercise, eat healthy, and don’t worry so much about the numbers.
Is five and a half stone a good weight for a 5 foot 11 year old?
Q: By the way I eat LOADS so to be honest i was expecting to be overweight. My friends say i probably just have a really fast metabolism (sorry don’t know how to spell it).
A: Oh, I see. A stone is 14 pounds.That is very low. I think you may be severely underweight.It’s okay if you don’t have any health problems.

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