What is the record in bench press

What is the record in bench press

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Gene Rychlak Jr holds the Benching the world record at 1010 pounds, achieved at The APF Metal Militia Memorial Powerlifting Contest. Thanks! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-record-in-bench-press ]
More Answers to “What is the record in bench press
What is world record bench press?
600 lbs Enjoy WRONG-the world record for a RAW bench press is 715 pounds, and with a bench shirt device, over 1000. Enjoy that.
How crazy is that? bench press record
does it really count when you have all that gear on? i mean using something as a safety precaution is one thing, but using shirts to bump the weight on your bench? i think it should be all natural or nothing. (is it even physically poss…
How much is the word record bench press ?
Go to the Guiness Book of World Records website. You should be able to find out that information there.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how much is the word record bench press ?
Q: the big show wrestler can bench press 612 kilos=1,349.22 pounds who could possibly top that let me know.
A: Go to the Guiness Book of World Records website. You should be able to find out that information there.
Bench Press Record in Wisconsin?
Q: what’s the bench press record for the state of Wisconsin for 15yr. olds?as of right now i can bench 195lbs.
A: you have a long way to go because it is 385 free bar
What is the bench press world record for Men and Women respectively?
A: Ryan Kennelly holds the mens record at 1070lbAmanda Harris has the womens record at 187.6lb

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