What is the name for the shoulder muscle

What is the name for the shoulder muscle

Health related question in topics Biology Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the name for the shoulder muscle”,you can compare them.

The deltoid muscle is the shoulder muscle. We love answering your questions. ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-name-for-the-shoulder-muscle ]
More Answers to “What is the name for the shoulder muscle
How to build shoulder muscle
Building shoulder muscle can be a long drawn out endeavor . Your body frame and exercise ethic could determine how quickly you build muscle mass . Repetitious movement of the rotor cuff , can be built with safe and fluent exercise . Light w…
What is your shoulder muscle?
which one? there are more than ten muscles that the shoulder uses. assuming you’re talking about the big one that contracts when you raise your arm to the side, that’s your deltoid. the muscle that is important in shoulder adduction
How to treat a pulled shoulder muscle?
you don’t mention how recent your injury is and what self-care or pain relieving methods you’ve chosen. that would make my answer a bit more specific. your injury certainly could be a strain and/or sprain. a strain is an injury to the muscl…

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Q: some people call it the “cobras” i think…i dont know…but what is a good workout for that muscle?
A: The muscle is called the trapezius. The best exercise to build it is butterfly lifts, raising weights straight up to the sides with arms fully extended.
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A: they are the trapezius muscles (think of them as upside down L shapes going from the bit between your shoulders and your neck down your back) the muscles right in the middle are the rhomboidsto exercise them its impossible to totally isolate the rhomboids but I’d recommend doing power cleans or deadlifts, and seated or bent over rows
Shoulder Muscle / Upper Back / Neck ?
Q: What’s the name of the muscle that runs from both sides of your neck down to your shoulder ? It also feels like it runs from the top of your shoulder down boht sides of your spine ?
A: trapeziod

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