What is the most weight ever power cleaned

What is the most weight ever power cleaned

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The all time world record in the Clean and Jerk was 266.0 kilograms (586 lb) by Leonid Taranenko of the Soviet Union. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-most-weight-ever-power-cleaned ]
More Answers to “What is the most weight ever power cleaned
What is a good power clean weight?
One it will not stunt your growth, thats a lie. two you just need to work on it keep working. Its not about weight its about form you don’t wanna hurt yourself, take it easy. Also try eating foods high in protein, like peanut butter, eggs, …
How do i get my power clean weight higher?
get flexible in your hips more and also you have to be explosive so do some squats with light weight and go down slow then explode up like a bench press to work on that explosiveness
Were can i buy power clean weights?
well you could check your local sporting stores – but the best place to check is probly a used sporting goods store, thats where i bought my set.

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A: Ok this isnt a question. Your just trying to show off….. its not really that big of a deal…. get a life kid
Did the Democrats deliberately tank our economy to gain power?
Q: Democrats have caused our current economic problems, by:1. Destroying the root of our economy by obstructing access to any economical fuel sources including oil, natural gas, nuclear energy, hydro electric, clean coal and anything else that could sustain a healthy economy. Fuel is the very core of our economy and they crushed it.2. The democrats deliberately pushed the core of the credit crisis, and ignored warnings that things were being done by Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae that would be very harmful to our economy, by the Bush administration, and even John McCain. The democrats buddies in Freddy Mac and Fannie May (powerful advisers in the Obama campaign and huge democrat contributors to Obama, Frank, Dodd, Waters, and Reid among other democrats started out on a dangerous course, lied to investors about the status of the investment, and caused the credit crisis and the bringing down of banks and insurance companies because of those investments becoming worthless as collateral, making those institutions illiquid and thus unable to legally do business … this sent a chill through all lending institutions and froze up credit which has lead to this disaster in the economy … accomplished by democrats with a few idiot republicans help. The worst thing any republican ever did in the last 8 years, even 16, was to go along with democrats and try to work with them. They are the bane of the US economy, and it was caused by their lust for power and their greed … as well as the accomplice of the liberal media and entertainment industry in this country working to push their lies and deceptions on the people of the US, and even the rest of the world.Fuel being so high was the catalyst that caused the problems with the mortgage backed securities to come out like they did, and this destroyed the backbone of commerce and industry in the US and weighed so heavy on the world that the rest of the world could not bear the weight.I also think China was deliberately driving up fuel prices and pushing things to a head, maybe working with some US politicians like the Clintons to make this happen, so things would be ripe for Hilary’s presidential bid. This kind of thing is classic Clinton, if you really know how the man has worked in the past to get what he wanted. His mob exploits are long and detailed, and he thinks very big of course, afraid of nothing and knowing no limits.This whole thing has effected the entire world, and it all goes back to what democrats have been pushing for decades. The press has been with them. The press is actually THE power, as they inform the voting public, or in the last decades they deliberately misinform the public to help the democrats gain power.Do you think this mess was completely deliberate? Even done by design to gain power in the country by creating a crisis and because the masses don’t really understand that the president can only influence so much, doing it during a republican presidency?When you look at what has occurred there is no question about who pushed policy which caused it. The only Question IS: WAS IT DELIBERATE?No one has control of the government who doesn’t have control over public opinion. The rich elite democrats have control over the press and entertainment industry, so control over public opinion, which trumps everything because the voter is the boss, and the voters opinion is IT, as far as power goes.That’s right truth seeker ; ) … but do you know me? Try checking out my information for yourself and see how it adds up before you discount it. Such a dismissive remark is hardly the mark of a genuine truth seeker, is it? Go, seek, find, compare and contrast, see what is plausible and then do it over and over again until you get a good feel for the trending of realilty. That’s what I did, for years. Find me conclusively wrong on any point and I’d be happy to hear about it. Facts now, not media crap ok?You guys? I am not a republican. No party is any better than the accountability they are held to by the press and their constituents. The Republicans are under a microscope and their own constituents take out their own trash. Democrats? The press goes along and covers for them, and their own constituents don’t hold them accountable. Check the history on that. Democrats who do crimes tend to get re-elected. Republicans usually get tossed before there is an election, and if not they are fired by their public, quickly.Under Bush there was more money allocated for alternative fuel research than under ALL presidents before him. Under Bush water standards were held to levels many times what Clinton did, especially arsenic levels. Bush did more for Aids research than any other president, and pushed it personally. I wish people who didn’t know much wouldn’t expound as if they were speaking of factual information, and not just a general hate Bush so he couldn’t have done anything right, haze.Clinton didn’t leave a surplus, that is a lie perpetrated by himself and the press. He speaks of a projection as if it happened, but it was a bad projection, and it never happened. The economy was tanking as he left office. He left a recession for Bush to deal with, and a budget deficit which would become huge. 911 a few months later added to problems which added to it. After all that Bush’s lowered taxes, just like Kennedy did, and as Kennedy did, he brought in much more revenues, 20% more than Clinton did as a matter of fact. Every time certain taxes are lowered the economy kicks up and tax revenues go up because of all the added economic activity which results. 20% of 200 is more than 35% of 100, to keep it simple.
A: Those people are not that stupid, and the democrats are the power, the ultra wealthy in the country who own the big banks, controlled Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae, Control the Entertainment Industry and the News media pretty much. They control Universities and most of what is approved for our childrens text books. Was it delibertate? This group of ultra elite with their eyes on the ball of world trends and world power? You know it is, the odds of all of it being an accedent are astronomical.

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