What is the fastest way to get toned

What is the fastest way to get toned

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Exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes daily. Join a gym or aerobic class. Work with a personal trainer to learn the best and MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-fastest-way-to-get-toned ]
More Answers to “What is the fastest way to get toned
How to get toned legs?
By tone I assume you want to lose fat, which would allow the muscles to show more – You have to lose weight or gain enough muscles in the leg area that it would protrude through the fat to give you that ‘toned’ look.
How can i tone up quickly?
you can jog and grab your ipod or turn up the radio and just dance its super fun and it burns a lot of calories and also if you want to tone up your stomach instead of doing situps do this instead. You stand up and put your hands behind you…
What’s the fastest way to lose weight and get toned? Especially o…?
Unfortunately there is no way to lose weight and get toned, “fast”. Oh, you can lose weight fast but it is not healthy or safe and you will not keep the weight off. Also, the weight loss will be mainly from a loss of lean body mas…

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A: You should try moderate weights for a month. Do benching, curls, and try some forearm exercise for 3 sets and 15 reps. Also, if you want the abs, do some crunches and bicycles (check for them on the internet). Next month, do high intensity in the same areas: 3 sets 8 reps. Make sure you workout on alternating days, 3 days a week. Do all arms for 3 days, abs for 3 days. Give 1 day rest. If you are slim, you should see results soon.
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Q: I have 10, 8,and 3 pound weights and trying to get toned arms…i use them about 3 times a week…nothings happening. My arms arnt HUGE but there about 13 1/2 inches. Whats a good way to get toned arms?
A: Do these exercises three to four times a week and within a monthyou’ll start to see ripples you never knew you had.Warm-Up: Do three minutes of cardio before your arm routine toincrease your heart rate, loosen your muscles, and help avoid injury.Jumping rope, climbing stairs, and walking on a treadmill are greatoptions. Once your torso begins generating a little heat, do two setsof 24 small (about five inches in diameter) arm circles to warm upyour biceps, triceps, and shoulder muscles. Move your arms forward forthe first set, backward for the second set.Tip: If you don’t have hand weights, use cans of food or waterbottles filled with sand or uncooked rice.Push-Pull KickbackHow to Do It: Stand in a squat position, legs shoulder-width apart,knees bent at about 45 degrees, and chest leaning slightly forward.Hold a light dumbbell (three to five pounds is a good starting pointfor all these exercises) in each hand, palms facing your thighs.Bending your arms, bring your fists up toward your torso, in front ofyour armpits. Push the dumbbells straight out in front of you, fullyextending your arms, knuckles up. Bending your arms, pull them towardyour armpits and extend them back behind you until they’re straight(shown). During this part of the exercise, pretend your upper arms areglued to your sides to better isolate the triceps. Do three sets of 12repetitions.What It Does: Works your chest and triceps. You’ll see results alongthe backs of your arms and in the area where your shoulders meet yourchest.ShadowboxingHow to Do It: Stand upright, legs spaced slightly wider than yourshoulders, hands in front of your face (like a boxer getting ready fora bout), with a light dumbbell in each hand. Extend your right fist asif you were hitting someone in the face, angling the punch toward theopponent’s opposite ear. As you pull your arm back, imagine thatyou’re ducking an incoming punch and bend your knees into a squat.Stand and repeat with the other arm. For the next punch, move yourfist in a rapid upward motion, as if hitting someone just under thechin. Squat, stand, and repeat with the other arm. For the last punch,extend your arm as if punching someone on the side of the jaw withyour knuckles (shown). Squat, stand, and repeat with the other arm. Dotwo to three sets of punches, 10 seconds for each set.What It Does: Works your biceps, triceps, shoulders, and upper back– the whole package. The squats will develop your glutes andquadriceps. The rapid and dynamic moves will give your heart aworkout, too.Double Biceps CurlHow to Do It: Stand upright, feet close together, knees relaxed. Holda dumbbell in each hand, pressing your elbows close to your sides,palms facing forward. Bend your arms so your forearms form 90-degreeangles in front of you. Squeezing your biceps, slowly lift the weightsup toward your shoulders. Lower your arms to the starting position.Palms facing up, slowly curl your arms back up, this time to theoutsides of your shoulders (shown). Again, remember to press yourupper arms tightly against your sides to really work the biceps. Dothree sets of 12 reps.What It Does: Works the very centers of the biceps from multipledirections, creating chiseled definition.Standing Push-UpHow to Do It: Stand facing a desk or a sturdy ledge. Place your handsshoulder-width apart on the surface in a push-up position and placeyour body at a 45-degree angle with the floor. Pull your navel inwardand balance your weight on the balls of your feet (shown). With elbowsclose to your sides, bend your arms and bring your chest toward thedesk as low as you can, inhaling as you descend. Slowly push yourselfback up to the starting position, exhaling as you rise. Do two tothree sets of 8 to 10 reps. To increase the challenge, do half thesets underhanded, gripping the desk or the ledge from below. Thisfocuses the benefits on the lower triceps, which most women have aparticularly hard time firming up. As you improve, intensify theexercise by moving your hands closer together.What It Does: Strengthens your triceps as well as your abdominals andshoulders, which can improve overall posture.Cooldown: Stretch the muscles you just worked to reduce soreness andmaximize flexibility. Sit in a chair, extend your arms in front ofyou, one over the other, and clasp your hands to stretch out yourbiceps. Switch arms and repeat. Then bend forward and clasp your handsbehind your back. Lift them gently for a deep stretch in the triceps.
Fastest way to lose weight and look toned?
Q: Right, I’m 17, I’m 5’9, I weight 140lbs.My tummy is big, and it shouldn’t be for my weight and height, but it is.If someone could tell me why, then it’d be appreciated.My real question however, is what’s the fastest way to lose weight/tone up my body?
A: To get the “toned” look, you need to lose fat (of course, you need to have a good amount of muscle to actually look ripped). There are three crucial components to losing fat:1.) Resistance Training – Basically weight training or anaerobic training. Done right and at a high intensity, resistance training can boost your metabolism for an entire day. Since you say you can’t use equipment, stick with bodyweight exercises, including basics like push-ups and squats.2.) Cardio – Okay, this is where many people struggle. Let me tell you a secret: Plain old jogging doesn’t work; sure, it keeps your heart healthy, but as for losing fat, it’s virtually useless. See, jogging can help you burn off a couple hundred calories, but what about the rest of the day? It’s not really the hour of working out that counts, but the other 23 hours of the day. Look at the guys jogging a mile a day for an hour every day. They almost never look any different, no matter how long they’ve been doing it. More proof: Look at the world’s best marathon runner; now look at the world’s greatest sprinter. Who would you want to look like? Okay, you get the point.The most effective cardiovascular exercise for burning fat is called “High-Intensity Interval Training”, or HIIT for short. It will boost your metabolism all day, even when you’re sleeping! Way better than ordinary steady-state jogging, countless research proves HIIT as the best way to burn off fat. Do it only 20 minutes a day, 3 times a week. Any more would be overtraining:1.) Warm up for 4-6 minutes2.) Sprint as fast as you can for 1 minute3.) Then slow down to a jog for 2 minutes4.) Repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 rounds5.) After the third round, lightly jog or walk for 5 minutes for a cooldown.Warning: Do not perform interval training before resistance training. It can actually cause a negative effect on your routine.3.) Supportive eating – Losing weight/gaining muscle and looking good is only 20% exercise and 80% eating! I cannot stress just how imporant healthy eating is. If you don’t watch what/how/when you eat, you’re just wasting your time at the gym. Here are the basic rules:Rule #1: Eat smaller meals throughout the day. Eat around 5-6 small meals every 3 hours. This will keep your metabolism going at a fast rate. Your stomach is not the size of a basketball so do not throw in basketball-sized portions. No more 3 large meals. Make it 5-6 smaller ones.Rule #2: High-fiber, high-protein. If you want to stay healthy and keep your hard-earned muscle while keeping the fat at bay, fill your small meals with lean meats or eggs, along with a lot of vegetables.Rule #3: Avoid artificial, processed, and refined foods. This includes all the junk food kids these days feast non-stop on. This also means all the fried crap and preserved fast foods. Also, keep away from white bread and rice as much as you can since these are refined grains. Eat whole wheat bread and rice instead. Stay away from white sugar as well. And limit your carb and fat intake.Rule #4: Keep hydrated all day. You may not believe it, but drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day actually lets you lose fat easier. Water keeps your metabolism going. Do not dehydrated yourself; even getting thirsty is already dehydration. Always drink water, just not to the point of overhydration.Rule #5: “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a nobleman, and dinner like a beggar.” You need energy in the morning after your 8-hour fast/sleep. Breakfast is the best time to consume carbs. At dinner, you don’t need all that energy, thus, eating too much at night can have your body store those extra calories as fat.Rule #6: If you’re losing weight, go on a calorie-deficit diet. That is, try to consume less calories than you burn. Eat 250-500 calories less than you normally consume a day, but never go below 1000 calories. Every pound of fat is around 3500 calories, so you can lose a pound a week if you plan your meals right. On the other hand, if you’re trying to gain weight (and muscle), a calorie-surplus is a must.So that’s all there is to it! Follow these rules correctly and you can get the ripped look you want in a cinch!

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