What is the best way to reduce body fat

What is the best way to reduce body fat

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best way to reduce body fat”,you can compare them.

The best and healthiest way is to cut calories and work out. Lean muscle boosts metabolism even when you are not working out. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-way-to-reduce-body-fat ]
More Answers to “What is the best way to reduce body fat
Plenty of aerobic exercise which means anything that gets you out of breath and makes you hot and sweaty – walking uphill, walking fast, jogging, swimming, cycling, football, tennis, hopscotch. Cut down on your fat and sugar, no takeaways, …
Use more calories than you consume. In other words, eat less. Its hard to do.
When we consume fewer calories (from food and drink) than we burn (via metabolism and exercise) to get the energy we need to keep functioning properly we tap into our body fat to use their stored energy – and lose weight. However whenever w…

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whats the best way to reduce body fat percentage?
Q: Is there any way to quickly reduce your body fat %
A: No easy way. Controlled diet is 75%.. you need to not only watch what you eat.. but when you eat it and in the right proportions.Then exercise…. obviously if you do cardio you burn fat.. but if you build muscle the proportion of fat to muscle decreases… therefore a combination of weight lifting and cardio workouts is prolly best attack.The quickest is obviously surgery…
whats the best way to reduce body fat?
Q: ive been going to body pump for the last few weeks and have gained muscle but its completely covered in fat. how can i reduce my bodyfat? is RPM a good strategy?
A: cardiovascular excersise…get that heart rate up and the fat will come off…. move it move it move it….. stop eating the bad carbs like bread and pasta, they put belly fat on you
What is the best way to reduce body fat for a skinfold measurement?
Q: I recently took a skinfold measurement and was told that I have 25% body fat. I need to get it down to a 22% to pass a medical exam for my new job. I’m obvioulsy going to run and diet but which specific exercise would help the most around the love handle area? And how long do think it would take to get to a 22%?
A: AccuracyHow close the measurement is to the expected value. If a body fat measurement is accurate it will produce results which are expected based on past data, or the accepted standard. ReliabilityHow consistent the measurements are. If a measurement is accurate 1 out of 10 times, it probably is not the best way to estimate your body fat percentage. ValidityMethods which are not invasive may require just a few seconds of your time. Body fat measurements can sometimes be invasive. They may require you to wear minimal clothes, be submerged in water or be pinched by calipers. Which method of body fat measurement is right for you depends on the accuracy you desire, if you’re comfortable with the method, the time you have available and your budget.

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