What is the best way to build ab muscles

What is the best way to build ab muscles

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Best exercises for building your abs are: Bridge, Abdominal crunch or sit-up, Plank and the Quadruped. A sensible diet helps. Thxs [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-way-to-build-ab-muscles ]
More Answers to “What is the best way to build ab muscles
How to Build Muscles, The Best Way to Get Six Pack Abs |?
If you’re up late at night watching TV, chances are, you will be seeing infomercials. A good portion of those are probably promoting ab related products. You’ll find machines, medicines, diets of fashion, and workouts that will promise to g…
What is the best way to shave off stomach fat and build ab muscle…?
・ 1. run 5x a week for 30 minutes, try your hardest to run the entire time and slow down if you need to… ・ 2. obviously healthy eating ・ 3. i would suggest doing this workout (it worked for me!) 5x a week, and resting your abs 2 times a …
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Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

whats the fastest way to build ab muscles?
Q: i’ve already got a pretty good build, but would like to get more ripped.
A: What you need is a total body workout routine.The best program I’ve found is Mike Geary’s Truth About Abs program at http://www.sixpackabsinfo.comCheck it out for more details, you’ll learn why abdominal and cardio exercises do not burn fat away from your abs.
whats the fastest/best way to build ab muscles? or lose stomach fat?
Q: i need to get in better shape for the upcoming football season
A: You need visible abs for football? I don’t think so.Focus on building strength and size. Squats, deadlifts, and power cleans should be central to your workout routine, and they will develop your abdominals better than crunches ever will.Once you have accumulated some mass, then you can focus on dropping fat to show your abs.
What is the best way to shave off stomach fat and build ab muscle?
A: 1. run 5x a week for 30 minutes, try your hardest to run the entire time and slow down if you need to2. obviously healthy eating3. i would suggest doing this workout (it worked for me!) 5x a week, and resting your abs 2 times a week. if you aren’t sure how to do any of them, just google it (or ask me), it’s pretty simple.-50 regular crunches, rest, 50 more-3 sets of bicycle crunches. rest inbetween each set, and 1 set = 30 crunches. 1 bicycle crunch = doing both sides.-3 regular planks, for 30 seconds long the first time, rest, 40 seconds long the second time, rest, and 1 minute the last time.-3 side planks for 40 seconds long on each side-3 sets of leg raises, 20 times each set.good luck! don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results, losing that layer of fat takes a long time and hard work… it’s tough but keep going! 5x a week. you eventually WILL see results!

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