What is the best thing to eat after you work out

What is the best thing to eat after you work out

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Fruit is really good to eat after you work out, because it is healthy. Also, granola will help you regain strength and yogurt too. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-thing-to-eat-after-you-work-out ]
More Answers to “What is the best thing to eat after you work out
What is the best thing to eat before and after working out??
im 5’5 and im 170 an im trying to get down to at least 150 it depends a little on when you plan to work out, if its in the morning, and your trying to lose weight, you should do your excersize before you eat breakfase, so dont eat anything …
How long should I wait after eating to work out? What’s the best …?
Eating before you work out used to be considered a no-no, but today, it’s a must for muscle growth. It helps prevent muscles from being torn down for fuel during training and kick-starts the muscle-growth processes sooner. You should consum…
What is the best thing to eat after working out to lose weight??
i just eat some fruits (cherries, oranges, apples, and etc)or a bowl of cereal and drink some water, but since your trying to lose weight try not to eat things high in fat. I dont know if you want to gain muscles too or only lose weight, bu…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What’s the best thing to eat after a work out?
Q: I work out a lot…mostly running and yoga. What’s the best thing to eat after a long work out? I heard that after you work out it’s the best time to eat because your metabolism is running really fast and you’ll burn it all off. Is that true?
A: Well, you went out and used a big chunk of stored energy….your body began to break down your muscles to use as fuel….breaking down muscle is not a good thing. How do you stop muscle breakdown? Protein, fast digesting protein would be best, gotta stop that breakdown as fast as you can….egg whites about 6 of them, 21 grams of the best quality protein nature has to offer and only 90 calories and no fat. Now that stops the muscle breakdown, what started the muscle breakdown?…lack of fuel…carbohydrates….some good slow digesting carbs like oatmeal. 1 serving of oatmeal has 4 grams of protein and 20 grams of good quality carbohydrates to fuel you up slowly, 2 servings would be good to get 40 grams of carbs Fast digesting carbs like white rice and potato are not too good, they will digest very quickly, releasing all their energy(glucose) into your body at once, causing a blood sugar spike, a big burst of energy….then your body responds to that sugar spike with an insulin spike, it dumps insulin into your blood to stomp down the sugar…the crash…laziness, and a good way to get diabetes. Bananas have 1 gram of protein and 30 grams of carbs, the riper banana will digest too fast and doesnt have enough protein to do you any good.. So I recommend eggs and oats. Treat your body well. Egg whites digest very quickly to stop the catabolic process(muscle breakdown) Fat slows digestion so lay off the fat after a workout.Bodybuilders manipulate their insulin to pack on muscle, insulin is highly anabolic, but you’re running, not a bodybuilding activity, insulin also tells your body to store carbs in the muscles, if there is no more room to store it in the muscles you will store it as fat, negating the benefits from running. Smoothies are not good either, usually milk is used in smoothies, the protein in milk digests extremely slowly, way too slow to do any good at this particular time. Milk also will coat the digestive system, slowing down digestion even if its fat free. Save the milk for before you run. Fast digesting protein, slow digesting carbs and no fat after a workout like running , remember that. But If you decide to start packing on muscle, fast digesting protein, fast digesting carbs and no fat after an INTENSE workout like weight lifting, you must use most of your stored energy or else you will store fat. I lift weights to build muscle so I use a very fast digesting protein called whey and I also use very fast digesting carbs, dextrose and maltodextrin which are sugars. 26 grams of protein and 50 grams of carbs for my IDEAL bodyweight. Dextose(also called glucose, blood sugar) and Maltodextrin(2 dextrose molecules joined by weak bonds) cause a huge sugar spike, hence a huge insulin spike, causing muscle growth.(and diabetes if you do it too often in a day)I see alot of posts in here telling people not to eat carbs….thats crazy….carbohydrates are your body’s main source of fuel, not enough carbs and you will lose muscle.2 servings of oatmeal and 6 egg whites is 330 calories, very low fat and cholesterol free, some say dont eat too much after a workout…why deny your body what it is screaming out for?
what is the best thing to eat and drink after you work out to get bigger muscles?
Q: i have been working out for a few weeks and wanna be doing the right things i am a 22yrold male
A: I found this when I was wondering the same thing, what to eat before and after working out. Granted, I don’t want monster muscles because Im a chick, but I thought this had some good info. http://www.vet.ksu.edu/studentorgs/scavma/pdf/Should_eat.pdfGood luck!
What is the best thing to eat/drink after a work out?
Q: I was just wondering, after i come back from the gym – what is the best thing to eat or drink?Like.. just water,fruit?Protein (i.e milk, or whatever?)
A: I say two water bottles is the best way to go.Powerade Zero is good too. It’s a zero calorie sports drink 🙂

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