What is the best food to eat when you have your period

What is the best food to eat when you have your period

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best food to eat when you have your period”,you can compare them.

Chocolate contains chemicals that will make you feel good while on your period. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-food-to-eat-when-you-have-your-period ]
More Answers to “What is the best food to eat when you have your period
What is the best food to eat during period time? I feel particula…?
Grapes are good cos they’re really sweet but still fruit. Dark green veg like spinch help with iron but you really need red meat to get your iron levels up (or a supplement)
What is a good food to eat while on you period? What are bad food…?
Salty foods probably aren’t the best because theyy retain water. Veggies and fruits are always a good choice. I always tend to eat a lot of chocolate at the beginning, even if it’s bad for you. (: Here’s a little list: ice cream and graham …
What is the best food to eat when i have period pain??
Yes Chocolate would be the food that most of the women’s crave during menstrual cycle which unluckily would not be good at all . Try to avoid the following food in your diet 1] Oily ,fast food 2] Fermented food like tofu or left overs 3] Ju…

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Q: Also, I have a game of tennis scheduled this afternoon, will it just hurt more if I play, or will it be good for me?
A: Grapefruit. It’s light, and naturally diuretic. The vitamin C and natural sugars will energize you for your game.
what is the best and worst food to eat during your period?
Q: what food help though the period curse, and what foods do not.
A: Best foods: ones that contain high amounts of iron, such as lean read meat and green leafy veggies (iron helps ward off fatigue, excessive menstrual cramping, and clotting of your menstrual flow). Worst foods: ones that contain high amounts of caffeine or salt (Caffeine and salt make you more bloated, hold more water, and can cause cramping to worsen).
what is the best food to eat when i have period pain?
Q: ok well i get bad period pain a lot, i no that heatpacks and anti biotics etc. but what about food, is there nay food that makes it worse and is there any foods that make the pain better.dont say chocolate, because that dosnt help me it makes my stomach more sore
A: Yes Chocolate would be the food that most of the women’s crave during menstrual cycle which unluckily would not be good at all .Try to avoid the following food in your diet 1] Oily ,fast food2] Fermented food like tofu or left overs 3] Junk food 4] Over eating yourself 5] Soft drinksWhat you wanted to eat is simple and plain normal food in moderation.Make sure you eat when hungry and drink only when thirsty .Do have some turmeric in diet ,that might help your cramps a little bit .Warm water would help a lot to reduce the pain that you experience .I guess this all suggestion might help you .

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