What is an average 5’5 female should weigh

What is an average 5’5 female should weigh

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is an average 5’5 female should weigh”,you can compare them.

For a Small Frame 5’5″ woman her average weight is 117-130. For a Medium Frame women it is 127-141 and large frame it is 137-155. Call 1-800-2ChaCha for unlimited questions! You call, we text. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-an-average-5%275-female-should-weigh ]
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Hello friend, His normal weight should be about 35 lbs. if any thing less than or higher than then we can start looking for medication. But how ever is he/she weighs 35lbs is such a dynamic dog. kashowgy
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