Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “WHAT IS AEROBIC ACTIVITIES”,you can compare them.

Aerobics ss a mode of conditioning your body in order to increase its circulation as well as its breathing competence. Get those muscles moving! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-aerobic-activities ]
It’s really up to you. You can exercise in the morning, afternoon or evening. Lunch breaks offer an excellent opportunity to get out of the office and exercise. Use your coffee break to take a short walk around the office. Get rid of the da…
A biochemical process or condition occurring in the presence of oxygen.
The word, aerobic, means with air. Aerobic activity is anything you do that increases the heart rate enabling it to deliver oxygen more efficiently to other parts of the body. Oxygen is transported through the body by the blood. Obviously, …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Aerobic activities for a person with a bad knee?
Q: My 39 y.o. wife has lost a lot of weight in the past 18 mo. and is looking for an aerobic activity she can do either at home or near home to get fit and lose more. She’s probably still about 30-35 lbs. over her ideal weight. The problem is she has a “trick knee” that “goes out” ocassionally with normal activity, such as walking up and down stairs. We live in a small town and there’s no public pool (swimming would be great but not an option). We need a low-impact aerobic workout that she can do either at home or near home without a big investment (e.g., for equipment). Any suggestions?
A: Get an evaluation from a physical therapist.
Does running have a different physiological effect on the body than other aerobic activities?
Q: I’ve been running more on the treadmill lately, as opposed to elliptical and such, but feel more bloated lately as well, as if I’m carrying water. I drink enough. Does running have a different effect on the body than other exercises?
A: Anytime you have a change in your activities, intensity, or duration, your body goes through a period of adaptation.. it works your muscles in different ways.. when your muscles are stressed, they need more water, and soak it up like a sponge. One way to overcome this is by drinking alot of water.. I know you says you drink enough, but sometimes you need to drink more than your usual amount (especially if you’ve been losing more than usual through sweat). Another possibility is diet.. a day of high sodium or sugar can also lead to bloating (and water will help with that as well). There are also other causes (bathroom issues). Seriously, when I’m changing to a new activity that is more intense than the one before, I sometimes drink 10-12 cups of water a day! Also, as your body gets used to the new stress, it will let go of some of that water, so time will help..
Why is it important to include both anearobic and aerobic activities into your workout plan?
A: what ? anaerobic & aerobic are kinds of respiration .. : Fermintation & oxidative respiration! thats my info..

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