What is a good workout for your lower abs? More

What is a good workout for your lower abs? More

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a good workout for your lower abs? More”,you can compare them.

Alternating Supine Leg Walks: Start off by laying on your back with your hands under your buttocks. Lift your legs so they are vertical. Contract your abs so your midsection is tense. Then, lower 1 leg so your foot is a few inches from the MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-good-workout-for-your-lower-abs%3F-more ]
More Answers to “What is a good workout for your lower abs? More
What is a good workout for lower abs?
I don’t know what the exercise is called (I’m not very technical with my workouts) but you have your arms hold you up so your feet dont touch the ground and you lift your legs (leg lifts?) and it works your lower abs. I have great abs so I…
How to workout your lower abs?
The lower abs get defined by using your lower body. You have a couple options:・ 1) Hanging leg lifts – hang from a pull-up bar and pull your legs into your chest (slowly). ・ 2) Pelvic thrusts – lay on a flat bench and hold on to the sides (…
How do I workout my lower abs?
Rowing is a good one, swimming, sit ups..

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is a good workout for your lower abs?
Q: I do sit ups or crunches but it seems like I can only feel them in my upper stomach area. I want to target my lower stomach, like where my belly button is. Is there a workout that will do this? Thanks for your help.
A: Reverse crunches.Do a search online for ab exercises and you’ll find sites that have exercises that target all the different areas of the abs (upper, lower, obliques)
What is a good way to work your lower abs?…. any other workout/diet tips?
Q: I really need to get into shape. If anyone can help me with anything… diet advice, workout tips, how to work my lower abs, my upper legs, ANYTHING really. I have 24 days until we go to the lake and I need to be in a lot better shape. I need to tone my muscles, lose weight, and better my body body… seriously… ANY help would be great! Thank you in advance!OH… and I would really like things I could do around the house… not have to go to the gym for… even though I do have a gym membership. :-/
A: keep your diet clean. stay away from junk foods, sweets, soda/pop and other sugary, starchy foods.do some push ups, squats, lunges, and sit ups before your cardio activity every other day.
Whats a good workout for your lower abs? Any suggestions to get more toned abs?
Q: With out having to go to the gym, what can I do at home???
A: Dos: walk with your hands swinging. RunningDancegymnasticsbiking.DON’ts:CRUNCHES NEVER WORK!!!!SIT UPS DON’T EITHER!!!

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