What is a good workout for the bench press

What is a good workout for the bench press

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If you are using a Smith machine, you can do many exercises on it. You can do squats by removing the bench, deadlifts, and chest press. Always remember your legs can lift more than your arms, so when doing squats go heavier! ChaCha!! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-good-workout-for-the-bench-press ]
More Answers to “What is a good workout for the bench press
How to Do the Pyramid Bench Press Workout
・ 1 Establish a maximum weight you can lift. The pyramid bench press works from the bottom to the top with… ・ 2 Perform a warm up of eight reps at 50 percent of your one rep maximum weight. If you feel that you… ・ 3 Execute six reps at …
Is this a good workout to increase bench press?
Your routine looks pretty good, but I would only do one set of 90-95% and then do a couple of 70-75% set with push-ups thrown in. Then alternate some other tricep exercise with skull crushers, ie: heavy pressdowns, kick backs or lying exten…
Should I do a pyramid workout on the bench press?
Pyramid routines are great. Changing up your workouts with different routines is always great for muscle growth. Another option you might want to try is drop sets and super sets. If you’re serious about your training there’s a great website…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what is a good bench press workout?
Q: I do a bench press workout. once every two days so i get a good 48 hours to rest. what is a good bench press work out im bored with mine and not seeing good results?
A: well i dont kno how much u max, so i can giv u an example. i max 145. so i start with 115’s do 8 reps. then i put up 125 nd do 6 reps, then i put up 130 nd do 4 reps, nd then i put up 135 nd do 3 reps, nd then i put up 140 nd do 2 reps, nd then finish up w/ 145 once. do sumthin similar.
How long should a good and extremely good workout in the bench press?
Q: I usually do bench presses for about three to five minutes but I don’t think that is really a good bench workout. How long is a good bench workout and how many reps should I do?
A: Prior to lifting, a general body warm-up of 5 minutes or so of jogging, skipping, stationary bike, etc. should be done.Perform a warm-up set or two of 10 reps. Don’t skimp on the warm up or you will risk injury.A rough guide for the working sets is to do 24-32 reps spread over 3-5 sets. E.g. three sets of ten reps, or five sets of five reps.The reps used depend on your goals as indicated by the other answerer. Probably best to start with 8-10 reps as a relatively new strength trainer. Rest times are usually a minute or two.A strength focused workout for more experienced lifter will use lower reps and more sets, e.g. 5 x 5. To maximize strength development a minmum of three minutes rest is needed in between sets. Otherwise, one is too fatigued from previous sets to lift heavy.It would be hard to get in enough work in 3 to 5 minutes to trigger adaptive mechanisms in the body. You should allot 10-20 minutes, depending on the number of sets you will be doing. Do you stretch your shoulders after the workout? Another bit of advise. Don’t be overly focused on the bench press. Real strength is overall strength. A balanced workout, that will also promote good shoulder health, should include a pulling exercise like bent-rows or pull ups, and squats or dead lifts for the lower body.
What would be the best way to get a good workout at home without a bench press?
Q: I am a teen who would just like to stay in shape, but I don’t have the regular equipment to do so. I have a dumbell and barbell set, but no bench press. Any recommendations on what type of workout to do with these materials, and even a workout plan as well? (I heard repetitiveness isn’t good over long periods of time). Even a website for teen workouts would be great! Thnx!
A: Walking is the very best exercise in every way. Start with 10 minutes, and work up to as long and as fast as you want. But you should always be able to carry on a conversation, or else you’re overdoing it.Also be sure to stretch before and after. You can also use the dumbells at home. That would be excellent. Good luck, dude! 🙂

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