What helps burn fat

What helps burn fat

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What helps burn fat”,you can compare them.

A new study found that calcium helps to burn fat. Consuming things like yogurt, milk and low fat cheese can help. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-helps-burn-fat ]
More Answers to “What helps burn fat
How did they treat burns in the 1774?
Burns Treatment. View diagnostic tests, medical proecedures, otc and prescription drugs on Healthline Treatment Search. There are 7 procedures, 2 prescriptions, and 6 supplements found for Third Degree Burn…
How many calories do you burn?
Most likely to stay the same you would eat about 2000 calories. THat is with normal school activities and normal activities (not exercise). If you laid in bed all day and did not even get out to use the rest room, nor move you would burn 1,…
Does caffeine help burn fat?
Caffeine does not significantly burn fat, unless you’re doing a lot of intensive, long duration exercise, which can be a dangerous combination which we do not recommend for most individuals….

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What kind of weight lifting program helps you burn fat?
Q: Ive already lost some weight by running every day , but now i find it hard to get rid of the last bit of stomach fat, what kind of weightlifting program should i add to burn more fat, and should i start running shorter but more intense rather than the usual long and normal run?
A: Circuit training is good. You have a set of machines you use such as: leg curls, Quad extentions, tri’s, bi’s, abs. You do a little weight first with lots of reps.IE Circuit 1:Tri’s 40 lbs – 15 repsBi’s 40 lbs – 15 repsSquats 200 lbs – 15 repsAbs 30 lbs – 15 repsCircuit 2:Tri’s 45 lbs – 12 repsBi’s 45 lbs – 12 repsSquats 220 lbs – 12 repsAbs 30 lbs – 12 repsCircuit 3…you get the pictureThe reps all don’t have to be the same. Do the same excesizes for a month then switch to othersKeep runningAlso consider other work outs like martial arts, yoga, even a Wii fit.
Pill for women that helps burn off fat with exercise?
Q: So I’m not looking for one of those lazy diet pills where they promise that if you just take them the pounds will fall right off. I exercise at home a bit, but am kinda limited to how much I can do. While I have seen some increase in muscle on my body the last couple of weeks, a lot of the flab is still there. Is there a good over-the-counter pill for women that helps burn off stubborn fat with exercise and that WORKS? Thanks in advance.
A: dont go for pills. better do skipping and running. concentrate on your calorie consumption. this itself will help you to reduce and maintain. dont starve.
Can you explain how building muscle (especially in the legs) helps to burn fat more efficently?
Q: I have been riding a stationary recumbent bike 30-90 minutes a day for a month. While I have only lost 3 pounds so far, I see a huge difference in my body. I have heard that building more muscle mass is the key to burning fat but I would like to know how and why. Thanks for your input!
A: Muscles require more calories than fat. Therefore if you have larger muscles you will need more calories to support those cells than if you have smaller muscles. What you have noticed is that you have lost fat, but not weight, that is because muscles weigh more than fat, so you can be in better shape with less fat, but not lose weight, and in fact you could gain weight while you are getting into better physical condition. This is why height weight charts are misleading. It is better to know your body fat percentages because that is a better indicator of your health. Also height weight charts are not accurate since people are not flat but have width and size, in other words their bone structure is different. Just keep exercising and you will look and feel better, you are also improving your cardiovascular conditioning along with your muscle fat percentages.

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