What does yoga do for you

What does yoga do for you

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What does yoga do for you”,you can compare them.

By doing Yoga, you will increase your flexibility, muscle strength, balance, and your cardio health. Thanks for ChaCha’n today. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-yoga-do-for-you ]
More Answers to “What does yoga do for you
yoga relaxes you and it helps you find peace and relaxation in your body.
Physical Benefits Flexibility: Stretching your tight body in new ways will help it to become more flexible, bringing greater range of motion to muscles and joints. Over time, you can expect to gain flexibility in your hamstrings, back, shou…
I’m ashamed to admit it doesn’t seem to make much difference in my mood. I was shocked when my blood work showed extremely high cortisol levels (enough to flag me for Cushings, and I don’t have reason to be stressed out). I think one reason…

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do you think the majority of women in yoga studios are lesbian?
Q: because they’re there to meet other women and stare at them change their clothes. i got a feeling that majority of them are lesbians where i go.
A: Don’t flatter yourself, babe.They’re not there to stare at you, they’re there to do yoga. Don’t like the women at your yoga studio? Don’t go there anymore. Believe me, you won’t be missed. It will be your loss, not theirs.
I want to start taking yoga. Is it really good for you? How often do you go and how much does it cost?
Q: Also, is yoga something that you need to be in shape already to start? In other words, do they work you into it, or it will it kick your butt if you’re a little out of shape? What exactly does it do for you?
A: It depends on what yoga you wish to do.There are many different kinds and variations. I personally do Hatha. It’s a slower paced, deep breathing yoga. There is also hot yoga. This faster paced yoga is done in a 120F room. I personally don’t like this kind, but I know people who swear by it.I provided a link for you to see which one is good for you. Pick it out and call your local yoga center and try it out.Costs vary by country and region. Where I am, you can get into a class for $12. US.
How long does it take to become good in Yoga?
Q: I just started yoga 3 days ago and I realize I am not very flexible and my arms are still not strong enough to support some positions that require all the weight of the body to go in the arms…I was wondering if with time it will improve and my body will become more flexible and therefore be able to do some of the hardest positions? How long does it take approximately if I practice every day for two hours….For how long should one practice in a day?
A: I think within one month you will see a significant different. You will be much stronger and more flexible. You will feel strength in your muscles as you poise. Be sure to rest though at least 2-3 times a week if u are new at exercizing. Your body will need the rest, especailly at 2 hours a day.

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