What are the best exercises to burn fat

What are the best exercises to burn fat

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the best exercises to burn fat”,you can compare them.

Cardiovascular (aerobic) exercise has been touted for years as a key to effective fat burn. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-best-exercises-to-burn-fat ]
More Answers to “What are the best exercises to burn fat
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Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the best exercises to burn fat?
Q: I really want to burn some of my body fat and lose inches especially around my waist, bum and thighs.
A: I would say lots and lots of cardio work. This can start out as speed walking and gradually turn into running, if necessary. You can also swim, bike, hike, or rollerblade. You should also do some toning with weight lifting. Also, to work on your midsection, you should do ab work: cruches, sit up, etc. Good luck with your work out! Don’t forget about the dieting.
What are the best exercises to burn maximum fat and calories?
Q: I have a lot of weight to lose and hear conflicting info as to what helps you burn fat the fastest. Some say cardio, some say weight training. Should I focus more on one than the other?
A: Do both equally. Cardio does burn a great amount of calories. However, that doesn’t mean weight training is without benefit.Weight training strengthens and builds muscle (although women don’t get bulky at all unless they’re on steroids). An added benefit of increased muscle mass is increased metabolism which burns fat even faster, meaning weight is lost faster.Doing a combination of both cardio & weight training will give the best results.
What is the best types of exercises to help burn fat but not really build muscle mass?
Q: I am in search of a good aerobic type exercise other than walking, eliptical machines, and running that will help burn fat. Do not want to build any more muscle mass, just want to tone up more.I do not need any more muscle mass. I have enough just want to keep fat off my bones!
A: Hi. Nobody has answered your question thus far. Games playing (like soccer, tennis, hockey etc) are good, however be careful not to get injured. You’ve covered walking, running and cross training. Cycling. Swimming (non load bearing however), circuit training, skipping. Anything that you can use to raise your heart rate to about 70% of HRMax will do the trick… and then sustain it for about 30 minutes.

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